Grab your coffee and sit back for a face to face with Josh Vogt, associate editor with Entangled. He’s here today talking about fantasy, world building, and characters. Take it away, Josh… * * * Fantasy and science fiction writers often devote countless hours to developing…
Tag: meet the editors
Today, Kerry Vail, an associate editor with Entangled Publishing, offers up the first entry from Entangled In Romance’s new Editor’s Corner. This feature will run every Friday, so grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and get to know our editorial staff. ♦ ♦ ♦ I’ll admit it…

In today’s installment of Quick Questions, Managing Editor Heather Howland discusses the types of Young Adult fiction Entangled publishes, and explains the differences between traditional YA, upper YA, and New Adult. Take it away, Heather… Would you explain the difference between traditional YA, upper YA and New Adult. Which of…