A Real Life Firefighter Santa by Adele Downs “Be prepared.” The Girl Scout motto has served me well through the years, though I never would have guessed it would pave the way to a VIP pass to Santa Claus. One of the first things I learned as a published author…
Tag: flirt

I’m pleased to announce the hosts and schedules for the three, brand new Flirt Novellas that released today: Santa to the Rescue by Adele Downs, Neighbors by L.S. Murphy, and On His List by Wendy Sparrow. Each tour runs for two weeks – November 11th-25th – consists of reviews, guest posts, interviews,…

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: HOUSE OF HORRORS In the dark of night, a stealthy tread creeps down the empty hallway, creaking the floorboards. Drawing near your bedroom. Filling your thoughts with a thousand images of sunken-eyed horrors and hollow, gaping mouths of disjointed teeth, pallid hands reaching for you, death-whitened bodies…