I’ll never forget the first time I heard the term, “shipping.” My teen daughter was talking about shipping two book characters she’d fallen in love with. Being boring old mom, who wasn’t down with the cool kid lingo, I had to ask what she meant by shipping. I got…
Tag: Abby Niles

A few years ago, I signed a three book deal with Entangled for my Love to the Extreme series. Those included: Dante “Inferno” Jones (Extreme Love), Tommy “Lightning” Sparks (Fighting Love), and Mac “The Snake” Hannon (Winning Love). Brody “The Iron” Minton was not planned. When I started writing Fighting…

The Fighting Love tour kicks off today! Follow Abby on her blog tour for fun interviews, guest posts, reviews, and giveaways! 12/14 (pre-tour): Fresh Fiction 12/18 (pre-tour): HEA USA Today 1/1: Books-n-Kisses 1/2: Live Read and Breathe Blog 1/2: Read Love Blog 1/3: The Reading Cafe 1/3: Romance with Flavor 1/4: Literal…

The Awakening: Britton tour kicks off today! Follow Abby on her blog tour for fun interviews, guest posts, reviews, and giveaways! 12/2: Theresa Stillwagon 12/2: Book Liaison 12/3: Magic and Mayhem 12/3: Kimber Leigh Writes 12/4: Diane’s Book Blog 12/4: Cover Reveals 12/4: Snarky Mom Reads 12/5: Paranormal…

Paranormal romance has long been a genre grounded in heavy world-building and dark, tortured heroes. We love those traditional paranormals at Entangled and have an amazing selection under our Select and Edge imprints. Book series like Rosalie Lario’s Demons of Infernum, Tiffany Allee’s Files from the Otherworlder Enforcement Agency books,…

The tour for Extreme Love by Abby Niles starts this week. Check out the tour stops for exclusive excerpts, interviews, and giveaways! Official Blog Tour Stops April 15th, 2013 (Monday) – Magna Maniac Cafe April 23rd, 2013 (Tuesday) – Feeling Fictional April 24th, 2013 (Wednesday) – Cecilia Robert April…