Only one woman is strong enough to survive…but without him she just may die. Come share the passion of Belle and Nick and you will become a Hostage to Love on author Maya Blake’ tour around the world! Throughout the tour she will take you on exotic locations that inspired the book. The setting alone is enough to captivate any reader!
Tuesday July 9th Ms. Romantic Reads
Tuesday July 16th Cocktails and Books
Wednesday July 17th Snifferwalks Books
Thursday July 18th Inside the World of Books
Monday July 22nd Nice Ladies, Naughty Books
Monday July 22nd Momma’s Reading Break
Tuesday July 23rd Gravetells
Tuesday July 23rd Reading Between the Wines
Wednesday July 24th Harlie’s Books
Monday July 29th Manga Maniac Cafe
Wednesday July 31st Fade into Fantasy
Thursday August 1st A Book and a Latte
Friday August 2nd Sizzling Hot Books
Friday August 2nd Ex Libris
Monday August 5th The Reading Café
Monday August 5th As the Pages Turn
Wednesday August 7th Froggarita’s Bookcase
Wednesday August 7th Ramblings From This Chick
Thursday August 8th My Book Addictions and More
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