Exclusive Excerpt: Soul of the Stone

Slay like no one is watching…in the jaw-dropping, vamp-enemies-to-lovers sequel to Sign of the Slayer… Releasing on October 7, 2024, this book is currently available for pre-order. Find out where to order here.



“Go to her.”

“Go to who?” I’ve learned quickly everything could kill me. Even a harmless plant.

“Find her.” Find her? I look up, scanning the sky. Certain parts are violet, some patches of pitch black that make the sky look like a nightmarish quilt.

“Go back to the beginning. Find her. Your slayer.”


I hop the rocks near the boat, then secure the sword and the blade I’d found along the way. After leaping inside, the boat sways violently under my weight. I sail back—back to the beginning.

The spiked ridges of what looks like a crocodile peep just above the surface of the water. I use the rows and paddle quietly and quickly, hoping to avoid another battle.

No wonder Alexander hates this place. Nothing seemed to respond to his “spells” from his funerary text. And I feel like this is all a setup. I see her, my slayer, as the god had called her, stepping through a portal.

“No! Go back!”

I hop off the boat and run toward her. What is she thinking? Something looms over her body. Long tentacles swirl like a cyclone over her head, threatening to engulf her. I pull out my sword, running at full speed.

She narrows her eyes. They spark with fury. “Seriously?”

“Get down!” I jump into the mouth of the beast and split it open.

Black ink drenches our bodies. The beast remains motionless near the shore, but I don’t move until I’m certain of its death. Then something from the water, the crocodile creature, jumps out and snatches the creature below the surface.

Slowly, I back away from the edge near Texas. “What are you doing here?” I try to keep my tone even, try to keep my shit together.

She wipes the sludge from her face with the back of her hand. “I’m here to save you.”

“Is that right?” I raise my eyebrows and wave at the slain monster with half its body sinking below the water.

She shrugs like one of its tentacles wasn’t by her neck just a second ago.  “So I owe you one. Anyway…” She scans the area, and I imagine what she sees. This isn’t the epic Field of Reeds I’ve read about in tomes. Maybe this is Hell. Pockets of darkness, so black that even my eyesight can detect what’s around me. Then there’s the smell of rotten eggs, of sulfur.

Creatures—large, small, and dangerous— skitter like insects.

“You shouldn’t have come here.”

“Well, I’m here,” she says in a there’s-nothing-you-can-do tone.

“Why?” “To stop Alexander from finding the tablet. Why else?”

“I thought—”

“Whatever it is, you thought wrong. I’m not here for you. That ship has sailed and crashed. Now let’s find paradise or whatever the heck it is and return to our bodies. After that, you’re my enemy again. Got it?”

“Trust me. I know how you feel about me.”

“Good.” She exhales for a good while. “Where are we?”


“You see Hell, I see potential.” She claps her hands and turns her head from side to side.


“Just need a few Boomers to drive up the price, add a Starbucks, and it can go for at least half a mil.” “I don’t think the Starbucks can survive over tar lakes and marshlands.”

“I disagree. A little pumpkin spice and throw pillows will spruce up the place.” A large squawk booms above us. Grabbing her hand, I pull us out of the opening and don’t stop until we’re under the cover of a gnarly branched tree near the river. Her eyes are wide, her lips drawn tight. I place a finger over my lips. “Don’t speak,” I mouth.


Slay like no one is watching…in the jaw-dropping, vamp-enemies-to-lovers sequel to Sign of the Slayer

There are things I love about being a slayer. Being faster and stronger than everyone else? Love it. Taking down a bunch of evil bloodsuckers before they feed on the innocent? That’s my vibe. Working with the American Slayer Society and creating weapons out of thin air? Here for all of it.

But there are some things I didn’t sign up for, and they’re becoming increasingly harder to deal with. People making my life miserable, vampire treachery, heavy-as-all-hell responsibilities I didn’t ask for…all the pressure is growing. Exponentially.

I didn’t ask for any of it. Not the black-out rage that’s consuming my closest relationships. Not the lies fed to me by those I trusted—and even my own family. And definitely not the voices from the stone that follow me wherever I go. Guiding me. Taunting me. Haunting me.

Because there’s big work to do, and the greatest—and oldest—threat to humanity is now alive, kicking, and thirsty as hell. None of us are safe. And the only person who can help me is the one whose kiss can ignite my soul…or shatter it to a thousand slayer pieces.

Catching feelings is one thing. But following him into the underworld to save the world?

That’s an even more terrifying problem.



Sharina Harris wrote her first book at twelve years old, and it only took twenty years to get a book published! Sharina writes women’s fiction, contemporary romance, and young adult paranormal romance. Her contemporary romance series under the pen name, Rina Gray was named Book Riot’s 100 Must‑Read Romantic Comedies. When Sharina’s not writing, she can be found with her head stuck in a book, rooting for her favorite NBA teams, and binging on K-Dramas and anime.

Sharina resides in Atlanta with her husband and son. You can learn more about Sharina by visiting her website, www.sharinaharris.com.

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