New Adult Book Boyfriends: Working Men

This week we are celebrating the heroes of Embrace – the Best Book Boyfriends Ever.



Today we are sharing the love for the men who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty.


Here’s what our authors have to say about the every day heroes who are always the right man for the job.


The hero in your book is the kind of guy who is not afraid to get his hands dirty. What is it about working men that make them so much hotter than other heroes?


Candace Havens: I’m all about guys who can fix things. I think that’s the sexiest thing ever. And I guy who can fix things and reads to horses to calm them down, well even better. That’s why I love me some Cole. He’s one hot cowboy.


Suzanne van Rooyen: I think there’s something honest and down-to-earth about men who work with their hands, who have to rely on the strength of their bodies to get the job done. And of course, doing manual labor doesn’t hurt when it comes to sculpting a great physique.


Beth Anne Miller:  There’s just something sexy about a guy who works with his hands. I wonder if one reason we find them particularly appealing is because back in the day, these guys were the most fit for survival, and we probably still have it programmed into our DNA to seek out the guys who’d be best suited to keep the species going.

With regard to Tristan, the hero in my book, he’s a deckhand on a tall ship. Like all the deckhands I’ve seen over the years, he’s never really idle — he’s always tugging a line to make sure it’s holding fast, or mending a sail, or splicing two lines together, or working on something in the engine room. He’s windblown, tousled, sunburned, scruffy, sweaty, and salty. His last “shower” was probably bucketing seawater over himself on deck–and he couldn’t be happier about it.


Julie Particka: I grew up around working men. Father, brother, uncles, family friends… We were a very blue-collar family. And one of the things I noticed about them is none of them ever did anything half-assed. Once they made a commitment (to a job or a person), they gave that their all. For me, that level of dedication is sexy as hell.


Tiffany Truitt: Of course, the most cliched and obvious answer is that he’s probably good with his hands, and while I won’t deny this, it’s certainly not the only reason I have found this type of man the “Right Man for the Job” on more than one occasion. In my experience, there is often a certain earnestness and self assuredness attached to these types of men that I have always found attractive.


Erin Butler: Their resourcefulness! Ronan swoops in to save the day and it’s not just with pretty words or money, he uses his mechanic skills to get the job done!


Cole Gibsen: The hero in my book began working at a very early age because he wanted to support his family after his dad passed. I think there’s nothing sexier than a man who cares about his family so much, he puts them above all else.


Melissa West: I think working men are hotter because they aren’t afraid of hard work and using their own two hands to complete projects. They also tend to be family men, who will defend their family and loved ones above all else.


What’s the hardest job you’ve ever had?


Candace: Working at Kinderfoto in high school. The kids were amazing. The parents, not-so much.


Suzanne: Teaching primary school. This isn’t particularly dangerous or physically challenging, but I feel the weight of the responsibility of my job every single time I stand up in the classroom. I have to do right by those kids, to nurture a lifelong love of learning in them and to help them not only academically, but socially and emotionally too, and that is daunting! But I love it!


Beth: Writing! :) My “day” jobs haven’t really required much in the way of physical labor, but having spent over 2 months at sea as a student crewmember of a schooner, I will say that was by far the hardest thing I’ve done. So much to learn and know instinctively, sleeping at odd times, standing watch late at night– all while being seasick. That was the hardest “job” I’ve ever had.


Julie: Physically? Working for my dad! Seriously, we’d get to a job at 8am and from that point until 5 or 6, it was GO time. Dad’s tool box weighed about 35-40 pounds. And that was just one of the many things that we might have to run back to the truck to get. Dad also had a bad habit of forgetting to eat. (There’s nothing like eating lunch on the way home to eat dinner that mom had waiting.) Working for him gave me mad respect for people who come into my home to work (and also taught me that the most helpful thing I can do is offer assistance and then stay the hell out of the way unless they ask for something.) I came home and fell into bed every night, but I wouldn’t have given up that time for anything.

Emotionally hard? That’s a whole other, less happy job situation. LOL


Tiffany: Well, I did teach 8th Grade English for ten years..but, truly, it was working as a cafeteria lady in college. A lot of sweat and mash taters.


Erin: Babysitting. I was way too busy daydreaming up stories. :)


Cole: I was a waitress for several years, and that’s by far the most difficult job I’ve ever had.


Melissa: I once worked at a pet store, and wow did it ever keep me busy! Cleaning cages, walking dogs, feeding animals–it was exhausting!


Fall in love with a guy who knows what to do with his hands. ;) Each of these books are 99¢ today only at







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