Holiday Recipes: Pizzelles (AKA snowflake cookies) with Lisa Brown Roberts!



‘Tis the season for Pizzelles (AKA snowflake cookies) with Lisa Brown Roberts!


6 eggs

3 and a half cups flour

1 and a half cup sugar

1 cup butter – melted

4 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. anise oil or 1 Tbsp. extract (substitute vanilla or maple if you live with anise haters)

Beat eggs. Add sugar slowly. Beat until smooth. Add butter and anise. Sift flour and baking powder. Add to egg mixture.

Drop by small scoops onto hot iron. Batter must be thick. Fridge batter for an hour beforehand if you have time so it’s easier to scoop.

Spray pizzelle iron with non-stick spray to prevent sticking. Depending on size of your iron, this should make around four dozen cookies.

You will be tempted to eat all of them before giving to family and friends, so make a lot!

My favorite holiday tradition is baking pizzelles. My Italian grandma made them when I was a kid and I loved them.  Crisp and light with a hint of anise, or in grandma’s case a LOT of anise- yum! My mom and I used to make them with my grandma using her old cast iron pizzelle maker and the house would fill with the scent of anise.

After my grandma died, Mom and I continued the tradition, and when my son was old enough, he joined us, too. When my son was young, he used to call pizzelles “snowflake cookies” because of their shape.

My grandma’s old pizzelle iron finally gave up the ghost, so I upgraded to a new fancy one this year that can make four at once. That will be helpful because we make so many of them!

I love this tradition because it’s something passed down through the generations, and it brings back so many wonderful memories of being spoiled in my grandma’s kitchen. Even when I feel short on time and can only bake one Christmas cookie, this is the one I make for family and friends.

Here’s a picture from a couple of years ago of my mom, son, and me making pizzelles together.  We’ll all be in the kitchen together again this year, honoring our family tradition!



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About Playing the Player:

Trina Clemons needed the money. Why else would she—the most organized, prepared student in school—spend the summer as a nanny and partner with the biggest slacker ever? Now she’s ready to tackle nannyhood with her big binder of research and schedules. Just don’t ask her about the secret job of “fixing” the bad habits of a certain high school player…

Slade Edmunds prefers easy hook-ups, and Trina is definitely not his type. She’s all structure and rules, while Slade wants to just have fun. Fortunately, Trina has no idea about the bet Slade made with his best friend that he can totally get her to unwind by the end of summer…

Then the weirdest thing happens. There’s chemistry. A lot of it. But nothing gets between a boy and a girl like a big, fat secret…

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