Meet the Authors: The movie heroine I’d love to be…

Here at Entangled, we’re fans of all types fictional stories. And that includes movies! So we decided to ask some of our authors: If you were the heroine in a movie which movie would you pick? Read on to find out what they said!

A.S. Green

Pride & Prejudice. Gotta get me some Mr. Darcy.


Boone Brux

Kate Beckinsale in Van Helsing.


Robin Bielman

Oh, man! I can’t pick just one, so I’m going to go with two current movies. The first is You Know His Name, the new Jason Bourne movie. The Bourne films are one of my favorite series and I love, love, love Matt Damon. I’d like to be a kick ass heroine alongside him. The second movie is Star Trek Beyond because Chris Pine. And Karl Urban. And the Enterprise. And adventure in outer space. And did I mention Chris Pine? I think Captain Kirk totally needs me. ;)


Katana Collins

Is there a movie where the heroine does nothing but read all day? I want to be in that movie. Maybe Beauty and the Beast…It would be fun to hang out with enchanted household items all day long!


Now it’s your turn! If you were the heroine in a movie which movie would you pick?

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