Spring Fling with MK Meredith



Give a big, warm, spring welcome to the fabulous MK Meredith, author of the wonderful Select Contemporary novel, MALIBU BETRAYALS! MK is here with a special Spring Fling guest post, so sit back and enjoy!


MK Meredith’s Top 5 Reasons for a Spring Fling

A fling is defined as a short period of enjoyment or wild behavior. Both sound delicious if you ask me. Enjoyment? Wild behavior? Bring. It. On! Wrap it around the first fresh buds of spring and…jackpot! A romantic interlude bound for perfection.

So here are my top 5 reasons for a spring fling…


  1. It’s the end of hibernation! All the big burly bears are climbing from their caves randy and hungry and looking for some fun. LOL! How much better can you get than a little wild abandon with a big, meaty, hunk o’ hunk who’s favorite dish…is you?!

  3. Everything is fertile, fresh and new! Everything. From the first sweet sprouting pansy to those energetic rabbits scampering off to the fields, teasing each other with their cotton tails, spring doesn’t just paint a pretty picture of new beginnings, it slaps us in the face with the paint brush. Everything—everyone—is ready for a fresh start! So do what the bunnies do! ;-)

  5. T-shirts! What is better than a well-fitting t-shirt stretched over a man chest? Nothing, except maybe the delicious mound of their bicep swelling from the sleeve’s edge or the mouthwatering triceps striation running back underneath. All of which inspires the fingertips to take a little sensorial hike!

  7. It’s the perfect temperature! For real. The time is right to shed the cable knit sweaters and knee high boots for miniskirts and blazers. Well, okay…the boots can stay! What better way to reach those luscious lips of your spring fling? Spring makes for perfect hiking, adventure seeking, or simply a night in snuggled on the couch. Not too warm and not too hot…unless you want it to be!

And my # 1. reason for a spring fling is that it leads right into summer! Duh!!! What could be better than cool and crisp spring days full of romance? Long and sultry summer nights, that’s what! The perfect time to climb that spring fling like he’s a flag pole and stake your claim for the summer. Because everyone knows the best thing about the end of a spring fling it the beginning of a summer one! LOL!

So, I don’t know about you, but all of this has me thinking about how I want to fill my spring schedule. And I’m not talking about spring cleaning. Unless it means my spring fling’s pants on the floor!

Hugs, loves, and peanut butter!

~ MK Meredith


MALIBU BETRAYALS is on sale for only $0.99 for a limited time!


About the book:

Her chance to write a whole new ending…

Hollywood screenwriter Samantha Dekker spent the last year picking up the pieces after her husband’s suicide. Along with grief, guilt, and tabloid hell, she’s had to watch helplessly as the film industry slammed its doors in her face. Now Sam has the rarest of Hollywood opportunities—a second chance…working with the one man she swore never to see again.

Hunktastic A-lister Gage Cutler knows that Sam blamed him for his part in her husband’s death. Still, Sam is the one woman he can never forget. All he wants is a second chance of his own—to prove he’s not the player she remembers. And Malibu is the perfect backdrop to make a girl swoon.

Except they’re not alone. Someone is watching Sam and Gage’s steamy off-screen romance with the most dangerous of intentions…

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