Best of 2015 with Entangled: Best TV Moment



The year is coming to a close, so we’ve rounded up some of our favorites for 2015!


Today we celebrate our favorite TV moments.


Check out some of the top picks of the year from our staff and let us know your favorites in the comments!


stacyStacy Cantor Abrams: Executive Editorial Director of Entangled Teen and Select

Peggy Blomquist stabbing Dodd Gerhardt on Fargo. I’ve never been a big Kirsten Dunst fan before the second season of Fargo, but she nailed the scenes where she’s holding Dodd captive with an amazing amount of humor and naiveté. My husband and I have been saying “Hon, you’ve gotta stop stabbing him!” to each other and giggling ever since.



image1Jessica Turner: Executive Marketing & Publicity Director
I was absolutely blown away when they killed Juliette on Grimm.  Poor Nick! …though he’s bouncing back waaaay better than expected, but I’ll leave that rant for another post.  ;)








heather 1Heather Riccio: Assistant Publisher

I’m a huge TheBig Bang Theory nerd so when Sheldon opened up his desk drawer to reveal he had a ring for Amy right after she left and broke up with him, I might have had a tear in my eye. He loves her in his own way and the way they’re slowly reforming their outside relationships with other people only to move them back together again is interesting.




Melissa Montovani: Publicist for Entangled Teen
Mad Men: I’m a huge fan of this TV series, so I was highly anticipating the end, and I was happy to see where they left Peggy. Of course, major TV hangover ensued because there’s no more Mad Men.
The Americans: OMG…the cliffhanger in which Paige, Elizabeth and Philip’s teen daughter, makes a phone call at the end of season 3!?! I will be on the edge of my seat until March. Seriously!
Grey’s Anatomy: Yes, I’m one of those people who have been watching Grey’s Anatomy since it first aired and will keep watching it as long as it’s on the air. (If you’re not a fan, you just don’t get it.) I know that part of season 11 took place, technically, in 2014, but seriously – it was the best season in years. I loved how Shondra Rhimes connected events that hadn’t been brought up since season 3 and the situations that Meredith was going through.




Headshot JPEGSuzanne Evans: Associate Editor

The Big A Reveal (finally) in PLL, because I’m still secretly a preteen girl








Christine Chhun: Production Editor Lovestruck and Entangled Teen

The Walking Dead – Glenn’s fall into the walkers. Sure he’s alive and well, but it was a tough few weeks that left a scar on my psyche. When he fell and you saw the blood and him screaming I woke my kids up by yelling at the TV and then I woke my sister up in Scotland by texting her my outrage.





Becky Conrad-Brown: Publicist for Entangled Select Historical & Scandalous

The reveal of the death-ray/art heist villain in Murdoch Mysteries






LydiaLydia Sharp: Acquiring Editor

My only TV fandom right now, besides SHERLOCK (with eons between seasons, ergh) is REIGN. The moment when Mary and Frances had their last dance…yep, I totally cried. I can’t say why, though, in case someone reading this isn’t caught up on the current season. No spoilers!




HeidiHeidi Stryker: Production Editor

Titus singing Peeno Noir in The Unbreakable Kimmy





rikiRiki Cleveland: Publicist Indulgence and Select Contemporary

My best TV moment goes to what was possibly my most heartbreaking TV moment….the death of my beloved McDreamy on Grey’s Anatomy. I’m admittedly still in  mourning. *sniff*





theresa coleTheresa Cole: Editor 

I’m a complete #TVD and #TheOriginals junkie, so I have to say when Klaus kissed Camille in the mid-season finale of #TheOriginals. I, for one, have been waiting for that moment for a very long time!






Meredith Johnson: Social Media

Oh so many moments this year…it’s hard to choose. From my excitement at Heroes Reborn, to major game changers in Arrow, Reign, and Chasing Life… But in this moment, I’m STILL reeling from Hook’s sacrifice on Once Upon a Time. Not exactly the best moment LOL, but I have hope for my all-time favorite pirate! #NotMyHOOK #HookForever



398805_10151576269044772_1055816884_nJenn Mishler: Editor 

Season finale of GAME OF THRONES! We are such big fans in my house and watching Jon Snow take a couple of blades to the gut was well gut wrenching. I cannot wait for the new season to come back.





Share your favorite TV moment with us in the comments below!



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