Behind the Book with Avery Flynn

You’ve Got to Coordinate – Shoes, Stalkers and Sylvie


HighHeeledWonderHow do you put fashion and murder together? Well, like all things fashion, it’s about the styling. :)

I have an addiction to fashion blogs. Tom and Lorenzo. Go Fug Yourself. Fashion Grail. Urban Darling. They’re perfect to go with the first cup of coffee that makes the world such a tolerable place. So when I was coming up with an idea for a new series, placing it in the fashion world of the fictional Harbor City seemed like the perfect fit.

Overblown egos? Check.
Dog-eat-dog ambition? Check.
Back stabbing? Check.
High stakes? Check.
Fabulousness? Check.

The fashion world really is tailor made for romantic suspense. (See what I did there? Tailor made. I crack myself up. Why aren’t you laughing? *slinks away*)

I spent a lot of nights watching fashion documentaries. I highly recommend The September Issue, if you only watch one of the fashion-related documentaries on Netflix. Then there was the shopping. Oh, the horror. It was just awful. Spending all that time shopping high-end stores online, lusting after Victoria Beckham designs, strolling the displays at Jimmy Choo and Neiman Marcus. You just feel really bad for me, don’t you? See, I knew you were sweet people. :)

I even got to interview my favorite fashion bloggers on deep background (sorry, they made me promise no names) to find out about their daily lives, what kind of crazy e-mails they’ve gotten and if they’ve ever worried about their safety. That was key for High-Heeled Wonder. Sylvie Bissett is the heroine and she has a must-read fashion blog but there’s an internet troll sending her threatening messages. Much of Sylvie’s reaction to the initial e-mails were based on those bloggers’ reaction to the nasty-grams they’ve received.

Of course, High-Heeled Wonder being romantic suspense, I had to pump it up a notch (or twenty), add in some memorable secondary characters and throw in a swoon-worthy hero. Oh Tony. He is so delish. He, like most of my heroes, shares some qualities with the Fab Mr. Flynn. Please don’t tell him, his ego is big enough as it is. :) But Tony has some hardcore baggage, a vendetta to carry out and justice to deliver.

Tony is a former vice detective. I spent ten years working as a police reporter and the vice officers were always my favorite to deal with. By virtue of their jobs, they’re fast on their feet with a quip, a plan and devious thoughts. Just what I love in a hero. And if you’re trying to put a face and a six pack with description of Tony, check out my High-Heeled Wonder pinterest board ( It’s okay. Go look. You know you want to. I’ll be waiting right here.

*Files nails.*
*Shops online for shoes.*
*Peruses hot dudes on Pinterest.*

You’re back? Whew. Hey. Right there. By the corner of your mouth. There’s just a little bit of drool. Okay. You got it. Don’t worry, we’re in the circle of trust. I’ll never tell.

So that’s a little bit about how I layered (Ha! I did it again!) shoes, stalkers and Sylvie together to write High-Heeled Wonder. It’s the first in the Killer Style series and I really hope you like it.

Happy reading!


Be sure to enter the High-Heeled Wonder Shoes, Swag and Books Extravaganza Giveaway for your chance to win a $100 DSW gift certificate, books from Entangled Ignite authors releasing in January (Avery Flynn, High-Heeled Wonder; Jody Wallace, Angeli; Julie Rowe, Molly Gets Her Man; Caridad Pineiro and Cathy Perkins, Love International Style box set) and more!

High-Heeled Wonder by Avery Flynn

“When a fashionista and her bodyguard get tangled up together, watch out for sizzling sex and surprising plot twists.” New York Times best seller Rebecca York

Tony Falcon, an investigator from the other side of the tracks, is the olive oil to fashion blogger Sylvie Bissette’s Evian water, but it’s not just her temper he’s inciting. When Sylvie’s stalker almost runs her over in broad daylight, Tony must pose as her boyfriend to infiltrate the close-knit fashion community. In a world full of overblown egos and cutthroat ambition, Sylvie and Tony must work together to find her stalker before she ends up with a literal knife in the back.


Read an excerpt of High-Heeled Wonder!


About Avery Flynn

Avery Flynn loves a hockey-addicted husband, has three slightly wild children and is desperately wishing someone would invent the coffee IV drip. Find out more about her on her website (, Twitter (@AveryFlynn) or Facebook ( She posts all sorts of fashion, reading and hero inspiration pictures on Pinterest (

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