by Tee O’Fallon
Hello Entangled Readers!
I think we can all agree that texting and emails are super convenient but definitely don’t have the same personal touch that a phone call does. The same goes for holiday cards. Not many people send them anymore, and I miss that. I always propped the cards I received on my hallway shelf, and it made me smile to look at them.
Years ago, my mom got hooked on computer graphics, and she helped me make some fun holiday cards out of actual photos of my dogs. The first one we did together started with a pic of my puppos, Taz and Jet, playing tug of war with a frisbee. Using her magical graphics skills, Mom substituted a candy cane for the frisbee, and voila! With a little bit of glue, I added some glittery sparkle to the snow and the candy cane. This was the result.
The next year, we took the same photo, again removing the frisbee, and inserted Santa with Red Rocks in Morrison, Colorado (where I lived at the time) as the backdrop.
I love playing around with graphics, although I’m not nearly as skilled as my mother was. At some point after becoming a published author, I needed the ability to make some decent graphics for social media and my newsletters. This year was the first year I made some fun seasonal graphics out of my book covers. When I took a step back from my laptop, I said to myself: Ya know…these would be great holiday cards! I’d love to hear from you, so let me know which is your fave!
So if you’re on the fence about sending out physical cards during the holidays, remember, it’s a great way to stay in touch with people you may not see much in person anymore, but it lets them know you still care and haven’t forgotten about them.
Happy Holidays, everyone! 🧑🎄
Tee O’Fallon is the award-winning author of the K-9 Special Ops, Federal K-9, and NYPD Blue & Gold Series. Tee spent twenty-three years as a federal agent conducting complex, long- and short-term criminal investigations, especially undercover operations, across many agencies at the federal level, and multi-state investigations as a police investigator. It felt only natural to combine her hands-on experience in the field with her love of romantic suspense. Tee has lived in New York State most of her life with a five-year stop in Colorado. When not writing, Tee enjoys cooking, gardening, chocolate, lychee martinis, and kicking back with her Belgian Sheepdogs, Loki and Kyrie. Tee loves hearing from readers and can be contacted via her website teeofallon.com where you can also sign up for Tee’s newsletters.
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