Editor Wish Lists for July 2023

The editors at Entangled Publishing are always looking for the next breakout hit. Could that be your book? Each month, we have a new wish list from our editors. Watch for them as they’ll change monthly. Let’s discover each other today! All submissions can be sent through our Submittable system. The link can be found here: https://entangledpublishing.submittable.com/submit

If you’re looking for a specific editor and don’t see their name here, that means they are closed to submissions this month. Check back next month to see if they’ve reopened!

Molly Majumder, Editorial Director, Red Tower Books

While I’m primarily focusing on Fantasy and Sci-fi for the Red Tower imprint, I would LOVE to see more of these kinds of stories:

  • Mythological Retellings: especially from underrepresented mythologies. I’d love to see some stories featuring Hindu or Islamic mythologies – Djinns, Vetalas, Chudails, and the like. And it doesn’t have to be limited to just re-tellings; if you are using elements from these mythologies in say, a gothic romance, I’d love to see it!
  • Science Fiction Romance:Polaris Rising meets The Expanse. Anti-capitalist, climate fiction; the angrier, the better. I’d love to see romance blossoming as humanity tries to pick up the pieces from all the mistakes they’ve made. I’m big on found family as well, a la Space Sleepers!

Jen Bouvier, Acquiring Editor & Assistant Acquisitions Manager

I’m only interested in NA with speculative elements at the moment, second world fantasy preferred. The key word for what I want more of in that space is cinematic. If this would lend itself to a really fun screen adaptation, I’m interested.
  • Generally, I like Fantasy with a big romantic arc and an equally big world.
  • Subtle (!) retellings, especially from folklore and mythology. Anything inspired by Korea, Scotland, Turkey, or francophone Africa is very high up on my wishlist! Authenticity is absolute key.
  • More F/F!!! I will never have enough of my beloved sapphics, whether sweet, femme, butch, gnc etc., but my heart yearns for a Killing Eve-style villain romance.
  • More M/M please
  • My kingdom for a trans protagonist
  • I would love to see some truly vicious mermaids
  • Golden retriever vibe boyfriends. Where are they and why aren’t they in my submissions
  • Black joy and Black love, and all the stories we didn’t get to tell yet with people who look like us (forever a thousand times on my wishlist)
  • Fantasy novels that could make great video games. If Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Fallout are familiar to you, you get it.
  • Clever, accessible, thought-provoking Science Fiction with a fresh angle (no hard SFF)


Generally, I’m looking for fast-paced, high-concept stories with immersive writing and a distinct voice.I’d call this type of story  Upmarket Fiction (definitions vary—I like a balance of genre and literary in my Adult Fiction):
  • It’s very rare that I like UF without spec elements, but when I do, it must contain smart social commentary, an exceptionally creative concept, and a lot of courage from the writer. There must be nothing like this on the market, for whichever reason.
  • Contemporary settings with a dash of magic, maybe even fabulist or surrealist elements. Futuristic can work here too, if it’s still quite grounded in our present reality—think Black Mirror or Everything Everywhere All At Once.
  • I love seeing magic interwoven with cultural elements.
  • If it feels like a romantic movie from the early 00s with an absolute tearjerker of a spec element, I’m interested. Think The Lake House.
  • The next novel-length This is How You Lose the Time War. Doesn’t even have to be in a Sci-Fi context. If you can replicate this prose, this level of deeply romantic, poetic obsession…I want to see it.
  • I like things a little weird here. If your book mixes a lot of swooning with a lot of what the heck did I just read and you’re generally struggling to assign it a genre, I’d like to see it. Innovation and experimental approaches are very welcome!
Contemporary Romance/RomComs:
  • Very selective here, but I’m only interested in stories with a queer romance at the moment. Any and all welcome. There’s not enough out there and I’d love to add more.
  • Twists on familiar stories and tropes—retellings of popular movies (00s and older) with a twist etc.
  • Be funny, be upbeat! I want true RomComs here.
Historical Romance:
(Regency, Victorian, Georgian only)
  • Looking for fun, lively voices that leap off the page and well-characterized casts. (Tessa Bailey, Lydia Drake, Addy du Lac)
  • Particularly interested in marginalized representation that doesn’t focus on bigotry as the main plot, but is more about giving readers the representation they didn’t get.
  • I cannot stress enough how much I want to see more F/F

Gwyn Jordan, Editor

I’m a sucker for historical romance and would love to see some where both the MCs are commoners, but I’m always up for the ton and nobility. I adore romcom and love to laugh, so my arms are open for a good tickle.

For contemporary, I lean more towards blue collar workers and would love a story with an unusual or not often used occupation, like an airplane painter or professional landscaper. I love to get some stories set outside the US (fine if it starts in the US).

Solving a murder would be right up my alley, and I would dive right into a kidnapping. Light-hearted and beachy are just as welcome.

My favorite tropes are enemies-to-lovers, friends-to-lovers, forced proximity, workplace, arranged marriage, marriage of convenience, and save the reputation (in particular, historical).

I’m okay with second chance romance, though it’s not my favorite. I’m not big on secret child, but if you can put a nice twist to it, I’m happy to take a look.

I love both sweet and spicy.

I love both psychological and action-packed thrillers. Send them on.

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