Keeping up with releases can be a daunting task, especially when authors are constantly knocking it out of the park. That’s why we want to make it a little bit easier for you. You’re never too late to the party–we just want to make sure you get there! So here are our releases for April, out and available to you now.
Released April 3rd
A Cruise Fling by Laura Brown
It was such a fun read that was the perfect light-heart rom-com I was hoping for. — Emily, Goodreads
Mackenzie Laurel has no relationship, no job, and nowhere to live, which means leaving reality behind to go on a luxury cruise. Enter, Cole Matterhorn: not a relationship guy, barely commits to leftovers. But Mac and Cole have more in common than just chemistry, but it’s only a matter of time until they return to shore—and reality.
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Click here to read an exclusive excerpt.
Released April 17th
Playing It Tough by Amy Andrews
From their meet cute to their happy ending, and all the steamy & emotional moments between, this was a delight to read. — Nicola S, Netgalley
Orla doesn’t do anything in half measures. She went from party animal to living on the straight and narrow—cancer changes a girl, as it turns out. So hello to celibacy and a sweet house-sitting gig! That is, until a very hot, very unwelcome intruder turns things upside down.
Want to find out more? Click here!
Click here to read an exclusive excerpt.
The Bachelor Contract by Victoria James
Victoria James has hit the ball out of the ballpark with ‘The Bachelor Contract’. Every time I read a new story by James I am more amazed at the depth of her writing. — Heather J, Netgalley
New mom May Peterson has eight weeks to fix up, and sell, her childhood home. It’s just enough time to say hello to her best friend and goodbye to a painful past. But in a small community like Maple Hill, it’s impossible to avoid anyone—especially the cute boy next door.
Want to find out more? Click here!
Magic Corrupts, Magic Conquers by A.J. Locke
Magically addicting and action packed, this fantasy flies by for an entertaining read. — Jessica W, Netgalley
The entire world has been instantaneously transformed by magic, all because Pennrae wanted to help. Fortunately, she has her friends, her beloved magic companion, and one ridiculously hot boyfriend. But Penn’s life is about to get far more complicated.
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Click here to read an exclusive excerpt.
One Night Stand With Benefits by Amanda Usen
Outstanding rom-com with steam, passion, and love. The Perfect combination. — Linda Reads, Goodreads
Whether it’s the boardroom or the bedroom, hotelier Xavier Rodriguez knows what he wants. When he has the chance to work with an incredible nonprofit that throws his personal life into the spotlight, he becames tasked with cleaning up his reputation. But Brittany Adair is delicious temptation, and she’s stepped right into his path.
Want to find out more? Click here!
Click here to read an exclusive excerpt.
Released April 25th
Highland Beast by Heather McCollum
This was an absolutely-delightful, romantic romp. — Reviewer 968180, Netgalley
Bàs Sinclair is the cold and brutal hand—and sword—of justice across the Highlands. But when he is called to execute a midwife for her crimes, he cannot raise his weapon. Why? Well, he already knows the woman before him—and she gave him his first and only kiss.
Want to find out more? Click here!
How Not to Marry a Duke by Tina Gabrielle
How Not to Marry a Duke was such a treat, it was like finally winning a prize from a claw machine. — Jenna V, Netgalley
A pet pig? An arrogant ass of an inventor? A… fake engagement plot to save her from marrying a stranger? Adeline Foster has her work cut out for her if she and her faux beau and meant to convince the on and their families that they’re meant to be. They can barely tolerate each other, but the alternative for Adeline is much, much worse.
Want to find out more? Click here!
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