Entangled Garden Party: Spring Favorites with A.J. Locke

Spring is my favorite season (except for those allergies!). I am happiest in warmer weather, and while I can deal with the heat of summer, spring brings the most comfortable temperatures and makes me want to be outside more than inside. I always anticipate finally moving away from cold winter days and seeing the greenery come alive again. It’s refreshing and rejuvenating watching trees regain their leaves and flowers bloom. 

There are a lot of things to enjoy in the spring, so I thought I’d share a few!


  1. Plant shopping. I’m a certified Plant Lady™ and spring is when my houseplants come out of their winter dormancy back into active growth. It’s also when I like to fill out the ranks and I always make several plant shopping excursions in spring. One of my favorite places to buy plants is the farmer’s market. An afternoon repotting and watering is an afternoon well spent!

Leafy green plants of different varieties in assorted pots of varying shapes and colours.

  1. Visit the Botanic Gardens. I love visiting the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens in the spring when the cherry blossoms bloom. The garden hosts a Sakura Matsuri which is a fun event where you can enjoy the blooming trees. The pink blossoms are beautiful and spending an afternoon at the Botanic Gardens is always fun. Other than the cherry blossoms it’s great to see the entire garden in bloom again.

Pink flowers budding on branchesPhoto from bbg.org


  • Picnics. I love having picnics once the weather warms up. A leisurely afternoon under a warm sun with snacks and good company can’t be beat. Prospect Park is a great place to enjoy the spring weather. Not only is there ample space to lounge, there are interesting places to visit like the Lefferts Historic House and Prospect Park Zoo. You can do bird watching, tennis, bike riding, horseback riding, and catch and release fishing. I love escaping into a little slice of nature during spring.

A large tree in a field with other trees in the backgroundPhoto from Instagram: @prospect_park


These are just a few of my favorite things to do during spring, but let’s be honest, once those warmer temps hit I don’t need any specific plans to enjoy the weather, I’ll just be outside!

What if the world changed overnight…and it was all because of you?

All Pennrae wanted to do was to help. Now she’s found herself in a world that’s been instantaneously transformed by magic…that she brought back. She’s gone from a simple karate instructor to an instant celebrity—and she hates it. Fortunately, she has her friends, her beloved magic companion, and one ridiculously hot boyfriend.

But a sudden, unprompted attack in broad daylight is about to make Penn’s life even more complicated. An ancient forest guardian known as a Kiabi—a warrior of magic and almost impossible to defeat—has marked Penn to die. The attack at first seems incidental and unprovoked…until she discovers the true cause. Her. Penn may have saved the world, but her actions have set a chain of events in motion. In one brief moment, something dark, terrible, and older than time itself found an opportunity to escape, to free itself from the guardians and mark Pennrae as its enemy. Now the world and everyone she loves face a gruesome fate unless Penn can unleash the full force of her Divine magic…

The Warrior of the Divine Sword series is best enjoyed in order.
Reading Order:
Book #1 Magic Dark, Magic Divine
Book #2 Magic Corrupts, Magic Conquers

A.J. Locke is an author and artist, originally from Trinidad & Tobago, now residing in NYC with her daughter. She’s your typical over-caffeinated artist with too many ideas and not enough time to write them. She slays at urban fantasy but loves exploring other fantasy genres as well as poetry and children’s picture books. She’s a bookkeeper/child wrangler by day and moody writer by night.

You can follow A.J. on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and check out her website to stay up to date on the latest news.

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