On March 13, 2023, be prepared to enter The Virgin Hunt Games again, this time with Alita Silver joining the hunt.
Exclusive Excerpt of The Virgin Hunt Games, Volume 4 by Mel Teshco
Rebecca fluffed her hair and said coolly to the floater camera and the audience in the arena, “For those viewers who cyber-messaged us in the past saying the rules aren’t fair, well…we’ve made notes and we’ve listened, hence the women being hunters and the men hunted. Now let’s wait and see how they fare with their switched roles and rules.”
“We do love our fans,” Jackson said a flash of his white teeth. “After all, without them, there wouldn’t be any Games.”
“That’s right, Jackson. And though it’s a bit anticlimactic to those same fans, we should probably expand on the rules we’ve already mentioned.”
Someone in the crowd booed, and a whole lot of the audience laughed.
Jackson nodded. “There isn’t a lot to add, folks, let me assure you of that, though I guess most of you already know the rules inside and out.”
“Either way, we have to announce them in their entirety,” Rebecca added. “Saying the rules is part of the rules,” she said, swishing her head in Jackson’s direction. “Take it away.”
Jackson smirked, then winked into the nearest floater camera. “We’ve already mentioned the hunted—the men in these Games—get a ten-minute head start. They’ll need to use those ten minutes wisely.”
“You’re right, Jackson. Some of the hunted might choose to go alone and look for any weapons hidden throughout the levels, or they might prefer to find some place to hide from their mates.”
Jackson chuckled. “It really has turned the Games on its head, forcing the men to avoid sex with their mates after a month’s abstinence.” He cleared his throat as the crowd’s laughter died off. “On a serious note, I’m keen to see how things unfold. It’s always been our hunters who are primed and ready for sex. That it’s our hunted this time puts a whole new spin on things.”
“That’s true, Jackson, our hunted men and their sexual appetites could change the whole Games.” Rebecca turned to face another floater camera. “That some of those hunted might choose to pair up or stay in a group for protection will require a huge amount of trust in one another. They will already all be on a razor’s edge knowing their hunter mates are searching for them.”
Jackson nodded. “Let’s hope they’re at least lucky enough to have an orgasm from sex, because whether it be with their mate or another contestant, they will receive a bonus of credits and points awarded via our orgasm meter.”
“The longer and stronger the orgasm, the better for our contestants.” Rebecca’s smile didn’t reach her eyes. “Which means it’s not always quantity over quality in these Virgin Hunt Games.”
Someone in the crowd hooted in response, the atmosphere growing electric with tension and anticipation.
“Of course, the fewer contestants by the end of the seven days, the more chance those left have of winning,” Rebecca said with a predatory smile.
“Not that we encourage violence, and certainly not murder, but…things happen.”
“They certainly do, Jackson.”
The crowd surged to its feet with a roar. They weren’t just here for sexual titillation; they were bloodthirsty and eager for every bit of action and violence that would unfold over the coming seven days.
Jackson put up his hand, and the noise immediately dissolved as the people, both alien and human, again took their seats—everyone except those with the cheaper tickets in the concourse’s standing room only. “Enough about the rules, though, Rebecca. I think we’re all itching now for the draw to commence so these Games can begin.”
Warrior Alita Silver has one chance to prove herself, and competing in the Virgin Hunt Games will show everyone on her planet she deserves the promotion that’s been held just out of reach. But this time, the rules of the games have changed. The virginal women have gone from being the hunted to being the hunters. And then she meets her competitors…
Stetson Jamb remembers Alita from their last encounter—a little too well. Mostly, he remembers that she left him for dead and destroyed his life. Winning the games would not only earn him the credits he needs to rebuild his life, but would also satisfy his need for revenge. If only he didn’t want her so damn badly. Apparently, revenge isn’t the only dish tempting him…
All’s fair in war and sex, and with the rules turned upside down, the lines between the pursued and the pursuer are quickly blurring. It’s not just a question of winning anymore. It’s a question of who lives, who dies, and who comes…last.
Mel Teshco loves to write scorching paranormal, sci-fi and contemporary stories. Not easy with five cats, two dogs and a fat black thoroughbred vying for attention, especially when Mel’s also busily stuffing around on Facebook. With only one daughter now living at home to feed two minute noodles, she still shakes her head at how she managed to write with three daughters and three stepchildren living under the same roof. Not to mention Mr. Semi-Patient (the one and same husband hoping for early retirement…he’s been waiting a few years now…)Clearly anything is possible, even in the real world.
You can follow Mel on Facebook, Twitter, and check out her website to stay up to date on the latest news.
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