Candy hearts OR box of chocolates?
Chocolates, but only if they are special chocolates like caramel, orange, raspberry, sea salt. None of those crème-filled truffles for me.
Flowers OR jewelry?
Flowers. Especially red-neck roses.
Romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant OR romantic picnic outdoors?
Both. Depends on location and time of day. Anything that involves food and wine…I’m in.
Art museum date OR paint your own pottery date?
Neither…okay, so I used to make pottery when I was in college. And I’ve joined in the Wine N’ Designs classes a few times, so if I have to pick one it would be the pottery date.
Couple sweaters OR couple tattoos?
Not a fan of either…unless the sweaters were for a Christmas Ugly Sweater competition.
Fancy wine OR decadent milkshakes?
Red wine. The best please and thank you.
Getaway on a Caribbean cruise OR getaway on an Alaskan cruise?
Both. I talk about this very subject in my author bio. I love Caribbean cruises as my all-time favorite vacation getaways, but my favorite cruise of all times…was to Alaska. The wildlife and scenery, despite the cold, was fantastic!
Stuffed teddy bear gift OR silk teddy lingerie gift?
Stuffed teddy bear. Lingerie goes in drawer and is normally forgotten, while the teddy bear would go on my headboard or bookshelf and be seen every day.
Elsie Davis is a USA TODAY bestselling author. She discovered the world of Happily-Ever-After romance at the age of twelve and has been hooked ever since. She’s a Hallmark Channel movie fan, enjoys reading sweet romance, and loves creating her own fun stories, keeping them appropriate for all ages who love romance…pre-teen to grandparents. Elsie writes from her heart, hoping to share a little love in a big world. An award-winning author and active member of RWA, she writes contemporary romance and romantic suspense. She writes from her heart, hoping to share a little love in a big world. She will never forget the moment of exhilaration when she first got the email offering her a contract for publication. A moment that has repeated itself, and one that keeps her energized and moving forward.
You can follow Elsie on Facebook, Twitter, and check out her website!
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