Candy hearts OR box of chocolates?
Have to go chocolates. I know there is some love out there for candy hearts, but I’m in the “too chalky” camp, unfortunately! If those chocolates are from See’s, all the better.
Flowers OR jewelry?
I love both, but I have to go jewelry *unless* they’re live flowers. It makes me a little sad when cut flowers wilt and have to be thrown out. I have jewelry from by eighteenth birthday that I still wear regularly and think about the loved ones who gave it to me. It’s just so much longer lasting.
Romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant OR romantic picnic outdoors?
A few years ago I would have said a fancy restaurant, 100%, but I had a number of romantic picnic dates over the pandemic and I’ve really seen how lovely they can be.
Art museum date OR paint your own pottery date?
This one is tough. I would love both! But if I have to choose, I’d say the paint your own pottery date. I love craft-y things and there are so many great chances for laughs along the way.
Couple sweaters OR couple tattoos?
People are generally surprised to learn it, but I actually really love tattoos (the one I have is hidden most of the year meaning come sundress season I often hear “you have a tattoo!”) I would not at all be against couple tattoos, but I don’t think my husband is game.
Fancy wine OR decadent milkshakes?
Oh, I have a terrible sweet tooth. Milkshakes one of my favorite treats, so that would have to win.
Getaway on a Caribbean cruise OR getaway on an Alaskan cruise?
Gah, is “both” an option again? Okay, I suppose, hand to the fire, I’d have to pick the Alaskan cruise—mostly because I’ve been on a Caribbean one. I’ve never been to Alaska (and it looks so beautiful!)
Stuffed teddy bear gift OR silk teddy lingerie gift?
Depends. Is the gift for me or my husband?
From the minute Bridget Marshall began renovating the old Irish Castle she bought outside the Village of Shansally, Ireland (pop. 119) she’d been on the verge of being labeled another “Silly American.” But after years of managing other people’s hotels, she’s ready to run one herself. And nothing will get in her way, not even her grumpy next-door neighbor, Liam O’Flannagain.
Soon, though, the dream Bridget’s been waiting for is becoming a living nightmare. The renovations, not to mention the budget, are out of control, and someone—or something—is determined to get her out of the castle. And if that wasn’t enough, whenever she’s with Liam, the castle’s ancient past seems to come roaring to life, sweeping them along in a story they’re apparently destined to relive.
If she is to uncover the castle’s secrets, Bridget will need Liam’s help to figure out exactly how they’re connected…before the tragic past repeats itself.
Jessica Dall is the author of such novels as Forever Bound and The Stars of Heaven. She has written across an array of genres, though her love of history and romance always seems to find a way into her work. Born and raised in southern California, she now resides in Maryland with her husband and daughter. When not living vicariously through her characters, she enjoys travel, crafting, and helping others with their own writing journeys.
You can follow Jessica on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and check out her website!
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