The Station 42 Cocktail With Mariah Ankenman

Hello there to all you lovers of spicy romance and delicious cocktails! My name is Mariah Ankenman and I’m the author of The Dating Dilemma which is currently on sale for only .99¢ right now! If you follow me on TikTok or Insta (you totally should, I’m hilarious) you might have seen my video series, Cocktails and Cocktales, where I pair delicious drinks with romance book tropes. Today I thought it would be fun to share a special cocktail I made specifically for The Dating Dilemma. I call it the Station 42 because that’s the number of the fire station in my Mile High Firefighters series.

The Dating Dilemma is the second book in the Mile High Firefighter’s series (each book can be read as a standalone). In addition to laugh-out-loud situations this book also contains a heaping does of spicy scenes. The heroine mistakes the hero for a fireman strip-o-gram the first time they meet and is mortified to discover he’s a real firefighter there to do the safety inspection for her workplace (spoiler, they fail.). I knew I had to make a fun cocktail with just a bit of burn, it is a firefighter romance after all

Let’s go over some of the tropes and elements in the book to gather ingredients:

Fake Dating: Club soda because it looks innocent enough but add a bit of booze and BAM! Now things are getting fun.

Meddling Sisters: Lime juice. Sisters have a way of making our mouths pucker just like a sour lime, trust me I have 4 of them, lol!

Firefighter Hero: Fireball whiskey, of course!

Awkward Heroine: Pineapple vodka. Trying to cut a pineapple is such an awkward task and no meet cute is more awkward than when Lexi mistakes Dyson for a stripper.

Forced Proximity: Martini Glass to put all the ingredients in….I gotta be honest I was reaching on this one, lol.

The cover of The Dating Dilemma by Mariah Ankenman sits next to the station 42 cocktail, poured into a martini glass.

Fill a shaker with ice and add:

 1 ounce of fireball whiskey

1 ounce pineapple vodka

½ ounce lime juice

Shake until cold and pour into a martini glass, fill rest of glass with club soda and garnish with lime wedge if desired.

Enjoy responsibly!

There you have it the Station 42 cocktail! I hope you enjoy it and don’t forget to grab a copy of The Dating Dilemma on sale for a limited time for only .99¢!

You can follow Mariah on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and check out her website here!





Lexi’s Reminders

* Work.

* Don’t think about your birthday tomorrow. Or debt, your crappy apartment, and nonexistent social life.

* Re-stock wine and ice cream.

* Die in a raging blaze of humiliation when the super-hot and very delicious fireman waiting in your office is not, in fact, a strip-o-gram birthday present.

* Reschedule the fire safety inspection you 100 per cent failed because of said humiliation.

* Agree to fake date Mr. Not-A-Strip-O-Gram-Fireman to help him win a bet.

* Note: do not fall for anyone known as “One Night O’Neil.” Red flag.

* Remember that this is fake. Even if his very talented, very real lips are doing sexy things you definitely like.

* Do not bend that one tiny rule. (Well, maybe just a little bit.)

* Don’t be too surprised that when you bend a rule, something is bound to break…


Each book in The Mile High Firefighters series is STANDALONE:

* The Dating Dilemma

* The Wedding Dilemma

* The Firefighter’s Dilemma


About the Author: Mariah Ankenman Bestselling author Mariah Ankenman lives in the beautiful Rocky Mountains with her two rambunctious daughters and loving husband who provides ample inspiration for her heart-stopping heroes. Her books have been nominated for the prestigious RWA Golden Heart® and CRW Stiletto awards. Whether she’s writing hometown heroes or sexy supernaturals, Mariah loves to lose herself in a world of words. Her favorite thing about writing is when she can make someone’s day a little brighter with one of her books.

About Author

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