Happy holidays! All month long meet some of our authors and their best selling books.
Today Taryn Leigh Taylor is sharing her Pinterest hair style challenge!
So…I’m not very crafty. If you check out my Pinterest Boards ( You can find them at https://www.pinterest.ca/tarynltaylor1/ ), you’ll see that very few have much to do with making things. One of the things I do pin a LOT, however, that I never seem to get around to trying, are hairstyles. So I thought I’d give myself a Pinterest Holiday Challenge and try out some holiday hairdos.
Let’s just say it wasn’t all candy canes and eggnog…
First of all, here’s the hair situation we’re working with, aka, my everyday hair:
I thought I’d start off easy, with a holiday hairstyle that requires nothing more than elastics and the ability to hold your arms at a weird angle for a really long time.
Kinda cute, right? I actually think this one turned out okay! I did not have a star barrett to add as a finishing touch, and I discovered that those little clear elastics are a bit tough to move up without ruffling up your hair, but all in all, I think this was more success than not.
*Taryn’s Tip: Put the elastics closer to the prior row for a better tree shape. I ran out of hair at five elastics across.
Next up, I thought I’d give this Christmas tree pull-through braid a try. Because I got cocky.
This one turned out very humbling, to say the least. I think I might be able to pull it off with practice and help, but doing it myself proved too much for my mediocre hairstyling prowess. As you can see, I was particularly bad at making each layer a bit larger than the one above it. #FAIL
*Taryn’s Tip: One thing about this style, is that it’s very important that each time you put in an elastic, you make sure it’s as tight and as close as possible, so your sections are small. Otherwise…well, you just saw the result.
The last style I chose is this present-inspired bow:
This seemed like kind of a gimme, because even I can manage to get my hair in a pouff on the top of my head. Actually, if I’m being honest, the hardest part was creating a smooth ponytail to start the process. All in all, I’m counting this a win!
*Taryn’s Tip: Bobby pins are your friend. Also, I think this might be really cute if you just pulled half of your hair up and made a smaller bow. I might give that a try.
So that concludes my attempt to Pinterest my own hair. I think I’ll stick to writing. *wink*
Have you tried any Pinterest hairstyles? How did they turn out?
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