Author Top 5: Best Teen Romance Movies
by Cookie O’Gorman
Hi bookworms!!! So I’m pretty sure the 80s would take over if I let them (John Hughes just got it!), but I think I can vary it enough to make things interesting! You should know, my knowledge in this field is vast and extensive lol—which is to say in addition to writing and reading YA romance, I also love teen rom coms! I’m mainly picking based on what I thought were the most romantic. Also, this list is completely subjective and may have been different if I’d done this on a different day (but probably not). Okay, so with that in mind…let’s get to it!
Honorable mentions (because I just couldn’t leave them out) go to: Sixteen Candles, Easy A, and Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist.
#5. To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
Such a surprise! The book was lovely, but I may have loved the movie even more. Peter K. and Lara Jean forever <3.
#4. Never Been Kissed
Saw this three times in theaters. The MC’s an undercover reporter who already graduated from high school—but I had to include because I love it! Plus, that ending AND the Ferris wheel scene. *sigh*
#3. 10 Things I Hate About You
Annnd Heath Ledger singing “Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You” to a heart-hardened Julia Styles? ‘Nough said.
#2. Clueless
This one will always be near the top for me. The laugh-out-loud humor, Dionne and Murray, Cher and Josh, that kiss on the stairs ugh. Just yes!
#1. Some Kind of Wonderful
Okay, I know, I know…but it’s always been my favorite *sigh*. I LOVED Watts so much and dumb-old Keith even though he didn’t see what was right in front of him. And I don’t care what anyone says: that kiss in the garage is cinematic gold made of swoon-worthy romantic awesomeness!
Hope you have an awesome day, bookworms!
Cookie O’Gorman
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