Five Skills I Could Auction by Carmen Falcone


Hey guys! In my latest erotic romance Auctioned to the Greek Billionaire, my heroine Amaya is auctioning her virginity. Hey now, no judging! She has a good reason to do it, and the hero a good reason to bid on her. Want to know more? Check it out on Amazon! 


Anyway, I was thinking. If I needed to auction a set of skills or talent what could they be? 


So here’s the list I came up with. Drumroll, please! :D 


  • Fusion Cooking like a Boss—I’ll use eight ingredients that don’t belong together and cook a hot meal. Is it good? Is it edible? Well, anything is if you’re hungry enough, right? Maybe file this skill under survival skills in the semi-wild (think a cabin in the woods or something.)
  • Out-Of-This-World Pet Sitting—After I’m done watching your pets, they’ll think twice before wagging their tails to just anyone. Included: selfies with the dogs and cats, lots of snuggling and relationship advice (what? pets have problems too!). 
  • No Non-Sense Shopping Buddy—On a budget? Are you scared bad news from work or a bad breakup will send you in a shopping binge? Call me! I’ll take you shopping but will conveniently keep your credit card in my wallet, to be sure you think twice before impulsively buying that hot pink top from Forever 21.
  • Splurge Companion—Did you just go through a bad breakup? Are you mad because you didn’t get the coveted promotion? Call me! I’ll take you binge shopping and we’ll even get matching mani-pedis! Included: high-carb lunch at a trendy restaurant and personalized flip flops with our names on it (all on your dime, of course). 
  • Dirty Mind Enabler—I will take you to a world of hot escapism that will stimulate your body and mind! No, I’m not offering any kinky massage. I am, however, shamelessly plugging my books. If you’re into sexy books that are fast-paced and with delicious Alpha heroes, you’re in for a treat. 



Get Auctioned to the Greek Billionaire by Carmen Falcone!



I’d do anything to save my brother.
So when I discover Madame Alexa’s Virgin Auction by accident, it feels like the answer to everything.
Auction off the one thing that’s still mine to give.
It’s just sex.
It’s just my virginity.
But now I’m backstage, looking like a version of myself I don’t recognize.
I’m trussed up and exposed in every possible way.
Suddenly, the curtains open and I’m on stage.
But when I see his eyes, I decide maybe this isn’t so bad after all…


Carmen Falcone learned at an early age that fantasizing about fictional characters beat doing math homework any day. Brazilian by birth and traveler by nature, she moved to Central Texas after college and met her broody Swiss husband, living proof that opposites attract. She found in writing her deepest passion and the best excuse to avoid the healthy lifestyle everyone keeps talking about. When she is not lost in the world of romance, she enjoys spending time with her two kids, being walked by her three crazy pugs, reading, catching up with friends, and chatting with random people in the checkout line.

About Author

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