#AuthorLife with Victoria Davies

Writing a book always has its own unique challenges. Each time I sit down fresh and hopeful about what the road ahead will be like and it’s rarely as I imagined it. The thing about characters is sometimes they take on a mind of their own and suddenly your story is in a completely different spot. So when it comes to crafting a story, there are a few steps to think about.

  • The plot

When in doubt, start at the very beginning, right? When I sit down in front of my computer, I think to myself, “How hard is it to make a plan?” But then all these little details you never thought about start bubbling to the surface and soon you’re just like:


  • The characters

Then you start to write. Words fly over your page and your characters, who had only ever existed as ideas in your head, take shape around you. One of my favourite scenes to write is the moment my hero and heroine first see each other.


  • The romance

Now comes the fun stuff. Once your characters meet, it’s all about that sweet build to their happily ever after. Time to layer in character traits, past experiences, hopes and fears, and, of course, scorching attraction.


  • The conflict

But then disaster strikes. Something happens to tear your characters apart. I know some authors who hate putting their characters in painful situations but I actually love this part. The more they have to go through in order to be together, the more their inevitability makes sense. After all, you don’t want someone who’s only there for you when things are smooth and easy. You want someone who will weather every storm by your side.



  • The happily ever after

Then after the misunderstandings and hurt feelings have been cleared up, there’s only one thing left to do. Fall into each other’s arms and have that moment readers have been waiting the whole book for. It’s always my second favourite scene to write.


After that, it’s time to grab the bubbly and celebrate! At least until you have to start the process all over again with some new characters.






Pick up Victoria’s new release Betraying the Billionaire!


Julian Worth isn’t a man with time to spare. Ruling his billion dollar empire with an iron fist, work is the true love of his life. Which is why when it comes to marriage, a strategic alliance matters more than love. Julian is more than ready to sign on for a little superficial dating and a marriage of convenience if it allows him to take his company to the next level. What he wasn’t ready for was the woman who shows up as his prospective bride.

Holly Abbott has spent her whole life coming in second. Being born four minutes behind her twin sister has defined her life. But when her headstrong sister refuses to go along with their father’s plan to marry her off into a cold business arrangement, Holly has to step up. Knowing the infamous Julian Worth will only entertain marrying the Abbott heir, Holly sets her identity aside to transform into her sister. It’s an easy enough plan. A few dates with a man who isn’t hers won’t hurt anyone.

Except Julian is nothing like the ruthless tycoon she expected. Soon she’s left to wonder, what will happen when her sister comes back and worse, how will she ever be able to give up a man who doesn’t even know her real name?


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Victoria Davies’s passion for writing started young. Luckily she had a family who encouraged believing in magic and embracing imagination. From stories quickly scribbled in diaries, her love of storytelling developed. Since then her characters may have evolved and her plots may have grown decidedly more steamy but she never lost her love of the written word. Writing is not only a way to silence the wonderful voices in her head, but it also allows her to share her passions with her readers.


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