Author Top 5 with Victoria Davies


Top 5 ways to survive being trapped at a conference with a man you can’t stand (or one you can’t be without)

Every now and then you might come across someone who just pushes your buttons and sets you on edge. It’s happened to us all at some point but it’s even worse if the maddening guy you’re trying to ditch turns out to be someone you can’t help but need. What’s a girl to do? Here are your tips to surviving (or catching?) that frustrating man of your dreams when you’re stuck at a conference together.

Take the stairs: The last thing you want to do is get stuck in an elevator with the guy you’re avoiding. Private, enclosed spaces can lead to all manner of tasty sins. So when it doubt, opt for those stairs. After all, a little exercise will do you good, right?

Pick your seat wisely: Location, location, location. Is your conference nemesis whispering in your ear at sessions? Pick the back row so he can’t sit behind you. Or be strategically close to the door so you can make a swift exit when the speaker finishes.

Convert his friends: Need to flip the tables? Put on that bright smile and annoy your man right back! Charm his friends on to your side and see who really has the power in the relationship.

Choose your hotel floor: A simple conversation with the front desk at check in will let you pick where you want to be in the hotel. After all, getting a suite right next to your maddening beau would never do. Unless, of course, that proximity is a little tempting. Either way, the receptionist can put you exactly where you want to be.

Call him on it: Sometimes you’ve just got to face things head on. Call his bluff and see what happens. Is he really trying to irritate you or is something far more interesting going on? When it doubt, honesty really is the best policy.

Good luck at your next conference!



Be sure to pick up Catching the CEO by Victoria Davies for just 99¢



There’s nothing quite like being trapped with the one man you can’t stand…

Caitlyn Brooks can’t believe her luck when her biggest rival turns up at an out of town conference she’s attending. CEO of the company threatening to take hers down, she wants nothing to do with Damien Reid or his billions. But the man behind the boardroom is so much more than she imagined.

Damien can barely believe it when Caitlyn shows up at the conference reception. He has no desire to spend a moment longer with the headstrong woman than he has to. Except he can’t seem to stop his eyes from following her or the unnerving need to ruffle her perfect feathers. When teasing turns to touching, he’s not sure if it’s the best or worst mistake of his life.

There’s no denying their companies are on a collision course and their hearts might not survive the fallout.






Victoria Davies’s passion for writing started young. Luckily she had a family who encouraged believing in magic and embracing imagination. From stories quickly scribbled in diaries, her love of storytelling developed. Since then her characters may have evolved and her plots may have grown decidedly more steamy but she never lost her love of the written word. Writing is not only a way to silence the wonderful voices in her head, but it also allows her to share her passions with her readers.


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