Top 5 Comfort Reads By Harmony Williams


Anyone who knows me knows that I want one thing from the books I read. I want to be able to curl up, forget about the world, laugh and feel good. I wrote my historical romantic comedy series, the Ladies of Passion, to fit that need, but they aren’t the only books to do so! Here are the top 5 reads I turn to when I need a comfort read.


#5Butterfly Swords by Jeannie Lin. I love warrior women, I love being swept away to the distant past, and I love love love this series!


#4A Lady’s Desire by Lily Maxton. I swoon for all of Lily Maxton’s books, but this novella addition to the Townsend series got me right in the feels. <3

#3Emma by Jane Austen. As much as I adore Pride and Prejudice, Emma has always been slightly elevated in my mind for the hilarious ways her plans turn awry!

#2 – I would read a grocery list by Alyssa Cole and fangirl over it. She has a way with balancing levity, humor, and heavy subjects in her books. My current favorite is always the newest book she writes (they’re all that good!) but for a historical fix I definitely point you toward An Extraordinary Union.

#1When a Scot Ties the Knot by Tessa Dare. Years ago, this was my introduction to Tessa Dare’s hilarious, page-turning style. Every book of hers is a treat, but when I need a laugh, I definitely turn to this particular book.



And my books scratch that comfort read itch too, which is why I’m re-reading How to Play the Game of Love from June 3-14 and inviting you to read along with me. More details about the #RoseReadAlong at:


Or watch this video:


Don’t forget to snag your copy of How to Play the Game of Love for $0.99 and join me! Happy reading!



He’s everything she thinks she doesn’t want.

When Miss Rose Wellesley’s father threatens an arranged marriage, she knows she’d better settle on a choice quickly or end up having no say in who she marries. Fortunately, she’s garnered a rare invitation to Lady Dunlop’s “Week of Love” house party, an annual affair notorious for matchmaking. Her plans to expedite a proposal would go smoothly if not for the brash younger sister she must chaperone, her outspoken, disagreeable best friend, and the bullish Lord Hartfell who seems determined to dog her every step.

Lord Hartfell embodies every last thing Rose dislikes in a man. He’s domineering, tenacious, argumentative, and a little too casual with his nudity for her tastes. Worst of all, Rose can’t seem to get him—or his kisses—out of her mind.

Rose is determined to find a more appropriate husband, even if her heart disagrees with how unsuitable the stubborn lord is…






Harmony Williams has been living vicariously in Regency-era England since she discovered Jane Austen. Since time machines don’t yet exist, she’s had to make do with books—fictional and non-fictional. On the rare occasions she doesn’t have her nose stuck in a book, she likes to drink tea and spend time with her 90-lb lapdog. A feminist, she writes stories about strong women and the men who support them as equals.

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