Happy National Puppy Day!
We asked our authors to share their love for their favorite furry friends with us to celebrate National Puppy Day.
Meet Cory:
This is Cory, the best dog in the whole wide world (everyone says their dog is the best, but Cory really is the best dog in the whole wide world!). Cory just had her Gotcha Day birthday on March 7. We’ve had her 7, wonderul years. She’s definitely the dog with the most personality and as you can see by the pictures, she is very loved. Happy National Puppy Day!
An Unwilling Earl by Sharon Cullen releases Tuesday March 25th!
Pre-order your copy now
Jacob Ashland’s life has taken an unexpected turn. He’s now the Earl of Ashland and expected to marry. But he’s done that before and had his heart ripped from his chest. When Charlotte shows up at his door needing protection, he offers to marry her––in name-only.
Charlotte, an orphan, suspects her sinister cousin of terrorizing London. When her maid disappears, she fears for her own life and runs away. Lord Ashland offers marriage, and it’s the perfect solution. But it isn’t long before she finds herself falling for her new husband.
Unfortunately, he won’t allow himself to love anyone ever again. And she knows her dark secret could destroy everything.
Bios are the hardest things to write. I always want to be interesting and make it sound like I’m a world traveler. Unfortunately I’m not a world traveler. Yet. And I like to think I’m witty but my bio doesn’t seem so witty. So here is an unofficial bio–bulleted and in list form. 1. I wrote my first book when I was nine years old. It was about a girl and her horse and it was written on a flip top spiral notebook. I designed and drew the cover myself. 2. I attended three high schools and met my husband on the first day of my third high school. I’m not uber-religious but I believe that God had a hand in that. 3. When I was thirty-three I decided to get serious about my life-long dream of publishing a book. I gave myself a deadline of four years to get published. I figured people earn a college degree in four years and that should be adequate time for me to learn to write a novel. 4. My first published book, A Forever Kind of Thing, was published four years after I started writing. 5. I have three very talented kids. One is talented in music, another in writing (hmmmm) and another in sports. 6. I love dogs. If I could I would adopt every homeless dog out there.
Meet Molly, Tyson, and Pete:
Happy National Puppy Day, or as we like to call it, Puppy-Palooza. Puppies, and by puppies I mean dogs of any age, make the world a better place. Nothing makes me feel as warm and fuzzy as the furry tap dance of joy that my dogs perform whenever I come home from work. Molly, Tyson, and Pete are all dogs we adopted from owner’s who could no longer keep them. Molly is a giant snuggle bug. All she wants in the world is to lay near you, or preferably on you. Tyson has the world’s thumpiest tail. It’s like a metronome of happiness. And everything makes him happy. Pete is my own personal body guard. He follows me wherever I go, and he protects me from any and all threats. Especially the mailman. And he loves sitting on my desk while I write. He’s my own personal muse.
Check out all of Chris Cannon’s swoony romances:
Chris Cannon is the award-winning author of the Going Down In Flames series and the Boyfriend Chronicles. She lives in Southern Illinois with her husband and several furry beasts. She believes coffee is the Elixir of Life. Most evenings after work, you can find her sucking down caffeine and writing fire-breathing paranormal adventures or romantic comedies. You can find her online at www.chriscannonauthor.com.
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