#IShipIt with Seleste deLaney

When thinking about fandom ships, I have this horrible tendency to fall down rabbit holes that involve shipping characters with anyone other than their current love interest. Usually because I don’t particularly like them with their love interest. That isn’t the case this time. I actually think Black Widow and Bruce Banner make the most adorable couple who will never in a million years make it.


I want to root for them, but I just can’t because I don’t see a future for them. (And honestly, Bruce needs to learn to love himself and the Hulk before he will ever have a successful relationship.)


Because of that, Natasha needs a new romance. But it isn’t to say that she doesn’t have her own baggage. She definitely does. I mean, she’s been more than a bit brainwashed over the years, and I don’t think she’s even entirely sure who she is, or who she wants to be, anymore.


So what she really needs is someone who will embrace all the things about her. The broken parts, the uncertain parts, and above all someone who won’t need her to be softer than she can be.



Broken in her own right, she needs someone who will both see past her bullshit and also understand the damage done by her past.


Normally, I’d hesitate to put two people like this together because of the risk of making their issues worse. But both of them are on the road to both redemption and wholeness, and because of that, I think they would provide each other the type of strong partner one needs to truly heal.

And let’s be honest, who wouldn’t fall for this woman?




Get Fighting for Keeps by Seleste deLaney for just 99¢!



Since her partner’s death, Jodi Israel has been perfectly happy playing Q to everyone else’s Bond. Electronics and machines are safer—and way easier to deal with. Unfortunately, she’s stuck with TRAIT’s newest recruit, an infuriating, arrogant alpha-male who plays by his own rules…and is hot enough to send electric voltage through all of Jodi’s circuitry.

Finn Danby heeds his instincts, even though it’s cost him his job on more than one occasion. The moment he sees Jodi’s fiery hair and uncanny engineering abilities, Finn’s instinct takes over…and it’s all libido. Now they’re working together to protect the unstable daughter of a high-profile politician—and the sparks are flying. Both in and out of the bedroom. But when all hell breaks loose, Finn’s faced with a decision that could cost him everything.

Seleste discovered early the trick to not being afraid of the monsters under the bed was to turn them into heroes. Since then, she has seen enough of human monsters that she prefers escaping to worlds where even the worst demons must play by the rules and the good guys might end up battered and bruised (or dead), but they always win. She resides in southeast Michigan with her kids and a pair of fierce slobber-monsters of her own. In those moments when not battling terrorists, vampires, or rogue clockworks, she loves to interact with readers all over the Internet.






Seleste discovered early the trick to not being afraid of the monsters under the bed was to turn them into heroes. Since then, she has seen enough of human monsters that she prefers escaping to worlds where even the worst demons must play by the rules and the good guys might end up battered and bruised (or dead), but they always win. She resides in southeast Michigan with her kids and a pair of fierce slobber-monsters of her own. In those moments when not battling terrorists, vampires, or rogue clockworks, she loves to interact with readers all over the Internet.

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