#AuthorLife with Tara Kingston


Tara Kingston – My Writing Process


Hi! I’m Tara Kingston, and I write historical romance laced with intrigue, danger, and hot heroes in kilts. Over the years, I’ve found that my process follows a pattern from the first spark of inspiration to the jubilant moment when the book is proofed and ready to take its bow. Take a look!


Inspiration Strikes!



Writing the Story…



Dealing with Distractions…or What My Cats are Doing While I’m Writing…






The Moment After I’ve Turned In My Revisions to The Editor…



All Done! Time to Celebrate!





Fall in love with Tara Kingston during our Timeless Romance sale!



Award-winning author Tara Kingston writes romance laced with intrigue, danger, and adventures of the heart. A Southern Navy brat transplanted to a quaint Pennsylvania town, she lives her own love story with her real-life hero in a cozy Victorian. The mother of two sons, Tara’s a former librarian whose love of books is evident in her popping-at-the-seams bookcases and collection of unusual bookmarks. It goes without saying that Tara’s husband is thankful for the invention of digital books, thereby eliminating the need for yet another bookcase. When she’s not writing, reading, or burning dinner, Tara enjoys cycling, hiking, and cheering on her favorite football team. Learn more about Tara at www.tarakingston.com.




About Author

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