The SIN & INK Soundtrack
I’m like a lot of authors out there. I need music to write. As soon as I know what my book will be about and who my characters are, I go on the hunt for the perfect songs to make the perfect playlist. SIN & INK wasn’t any different. Of course, the actual list is about thirty songs long, but I’ve chosen five that really capture the mood of this forbidden romance about longing, pain, loss and a love that is everything passionate, desperate and real. So without further ado…
I luvs me some AWOLNATION. So it’s a given that they would be on my playlist. But it was the lyrics of this song, “I am a human being, capable of doing terrible things,” that sealed it for me. Because this is exactly how Knox sees himself. And there’s also an alternative version of the song that switches out “terrible” for “beautiful.” And that’s how everyone else sees him. Disclaimer: The video’s weird. LOL!
Letters from the Sky by Civil Twilight
I love this song because it describes Knox and Eden’s relationship so well—and how he feels about her. The sky will break, the mountains are going to fall in the sea and the world will know this man and women were created to taste each other’s kiss. That they were bortn for each other. Sigh. It doesn’t get much more romantic than that you-and-me-against-the-world view.
Navigator by MOONZz x Restless Modern
Not gonna lie. I first heard this song on the Hulu commercial. LOL! But it was a gorgeous song! It reminds me of being in that brand-new love with a person, and you purposefully take the slow, long way home just to spend more time with them, and you never want to leave them. Total coincidence that I now have a Hulu account…
Helium by Sia
Sooo I might’ve come across the song during one of the fiftieth times I watched Fifty Shades Darker. But again, it was the lyrics that grabbed me, and they’re utterly perfect for Knox and Eden. “Help me out of this hell, Your love lifts me up like helium, Your love lifts me up when I’m down, down, down, when I’ve hit the ground, You’re all I need.” Both Knox and Eden have been in dark, painful places. And it’s each other’s love that has drug them back into the light and the world of the living. And then there’s that Superwoman line… Got me right in the ol’ ticker!
“ieuD” by Igorrr
This song made its way onto my playlist because it’s just the song I imagine Jude, Knox’s brother (and the hero in Passion and Ink!), playing in the tattoo shop. And the song is so weird in the best way! It’s like this mashup of death metal, heavy metal and opera. I loved it—and then the video has me all “huh?” But I’ve watched it too many times to count, sooo…
Pick up Sin & Ink by Naima Simone for just 99¢!
There’s sin, and then there’s literally going-straight-to-hell sin…
Being in lust with my dead brother’s wife pretty much guarantees that one day I’ll be the devil’s bitch. But Eden Gordon works with me, so it’s getting harder and harder to stay away. I promised my family—and him—I would, though.
My days as an MMA champion are behind me. But whenever I see her, with those wicked curves and soft mouth created for dirty deeds, it’s a knock-down fight to just maintain my distance. “Hard Knox” becomes more than just the name of my tattoo shop. However, surrendering to the forbidden might be worth losing everything…
USA Today bestselling author Naima Simone’s love of romance was first stirred by Johanna Lindsey and Linda Howard many years ago. Though her first attempt at writing a romance novel at age 11 never saw the light of day, her love of romance and writing has endured. Now, she spends her time creating stories of unique men and women who experience the dizzying heights of passion and the tender heat of love. She is wife to Superman—or his non-Kryptonian, less bullet proof equivalent—and mother to the most awesome kids ever. They all live in perfect, domestically-challenged bliss in the southern United States.
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