#IShipIt with Michelle McLean



Anna Kendrick and Sam Rockwell in Mr. Right


I’m not sure how I missed this when it came out but I just discovered the movie Mr. Right with Anna Kendrick and Sam Rockwell and I’m seriously in love. It’s crazy, kooky, and off the charts adorable…in a murdery, twisted sort of way.


First, you have Martha, who is totally off her adorable rocker. 



She then meets a dancing, funny, and also adorably off his rocker hitman, Francis (who hates his name and is just known as Clown Nose).



(She calls him Baby, or Honey. He calls her Monsta, which I never though of as an adorable nickname but it so works for them). 



What follows is just sheer insanity. But omg I love these two so much! I’m honestly not sure what it is. Maybe it’s because they are so crazy into each other.



Or how every situation is handled with humor and laughs. Especially once she discovers her own awesome hitman reflexes. 



They literally dance their way through life…even when being shot at. 



And they just really have an amazingly good time together. 



They might kill the occasional person (always a bad guy though) 

But seriously, these two are #relationshipgoals. 






Check out Michelle’s new release How to Blackmail a Highlander!





Lady Alice Chivers is done being controlled by her family. On the run from an arranged marriage, she needs a strong Highlander to escape. Only Philip MacGregor insists on sending her back to her pampered life, so she’ll just have to blackmail him instead. But now they find themselves in an accidental marriage, and soon they’re both playing a role that feels like it was meant to be real.

Philip is cautious, in control, and in way over his head with his unexpected wife. She’s intense, spontaneous, and can’t follow an order to save her life. And he might be falling completely in love with her. However, her distractions endanger the lives of those he loves. Now he must somehow undo the damage that has been done, before his friends pay with their lives.








Michelle McLean is a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl who is addicted to chocolate and goldfish crackers and spent most of her formative years with her nose in a book. She has a B.S. in History, a M.A. in English, and loves her romance with a touch of suspenseful mystery. She resides in PA with her husband and two amazing children.

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