NYC has been my home for a lucky thirteen years, and it’s also where my new series is set. It got me thinking…what are the best places in NYC to spend some time with that special someone when you just can’t keep your hands off each other?
Not that I’m advocating public sex! And I’d NEVER write such a scene! Ever! In any of my books! I wouldn’t even dream about getting my characters thisclose to getting caught with their pants down…
But a little smooching never hurt anyone, right?
Here are my Top Five, although of course there are a zillion more—because anywhere becomes a make-out spot once you’re making out there!
1.Because it’s winter (brrr), what better way to warm up than with a hot cocoa and some smoking hot kisses under the gorgeous lights at Rockefeller Center?
2. Here’s a pic of mine from the waterfront in Red Hook, Brooklyn. Grab a bench or a picnic blanket, some world-famous key lime pie from Steve the pie guy [https://keylime.com/jh/], and feel a world away. PS This is where Shawn’s brewery is in Wrong Bed, Right Roommate!
[Photo attribution: By Stig Nygaard from Copenhagen, Denmark – Belvedere Castle #4, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2796414]
4. Or any park, in any weather, will do. There are so many paths and trails to get lost in!
5. Rooftops, rooftops, rooftops. There are tons of rooftop bars and hotels with rooftop views. Or make some millionaire friends? (I’m still working on that part.) But anywhere with a view is a fabulous spot to steal some kisses, especially in the cover of night…
Just don’t blame me if you get caught!
Don’t miss Wrong Bed, Right Roommate by Rebecca Brooks, out now!
It’s not every day you wake up to a stranger getting into your bed.
Only, he isn’t a stranger at all, he’s my best friend’s hot older brother…and apparently my new roommate.
Having him in my space, driving me crazy, isn’t a problem at all. Nope.
All I need to do is keep control of the situation…
But that’s easier said than done.
Shawn Lassiter is the kind of distraction I don’t need.
First he accidentally gets into my bed, half-naked, the night before my first day at my new job.
Hello, muscles and tattoos!
Then he’s there, in nothing but a towel, making me coffee in the morning.
It’s more than any girl can resist. Right?
But Shawn is off-limits, even if his eyes are saying differently.
Years ago, back when I still had my crush, he destroyed friendships with his reckless playboy antics.
There’s no way I’m touching those perfectly formed abs now. I don’t care how nice and responsible he’s acting.
I don’t want a boyfriend anyway. That’s what my trusty vibrator is for.
I’m the smart girl—the glasses-wearing, book-reading workaholic. I can totally do this.
After all, it’s only for two and a half months.
I’ll be on my best behavior…even if Shawn isn’t.
Rebecca Brooks lives in New York City in an apartment filled with books. She received a PhD in English but decided it was more fun to write books than write about them. She has backpacked alone through India and Brazil, traveled by cargo boat down the Amazon River, climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, explored ice caves in Peru, trekked to the source of the Ganges, and sunbathed in Burma, but she always likes coming home to a cold beer and her hot husband in the Bronx. Her books are about independent women who leave their old lives behind to try something new–and find the passion, excitement and purpose they didn’t know they’d been missing. Learn more at http://rebeccabrooksromance.com. To sign-up for her newsletter, sign-up at http://rebeccabrooksromance.com/newsletter.
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