A day in the life….
Start with caffeine. Must have caffeine.
I should get to work, but first emails. Then Instagram. Then Facebook. Then Twitter. Wait! I have more emails. Then Instagram. Then Facebook…
Why, why do the emails never stop coming?
Okay, next, I must write. But this scene is not working. Which means, the chapter is not working. Which means, the whole book is a failed attempt at this writing career and I still haven’t showered yet. This is the glamorous life I always wanted, right?
Check on dog about every ten minutes because I need fuzzy cuddles. This happens no less than a hundred times throughout my writing workday.
Decide that getting SOMETHING done is better than not finishing this scene, so I finally exercise and shower. I have accomplished SOMETHING.
Then it’s back to emails, and Instagram, and Twitter, and emails. And I need more caffeine. And that scene. It’s the afternoon. How did I get here?
Finally write The Scene. It’s not bad, but it’s not good either. Decide that making a roast chicken would be a better use of my time.
Decide that tomorrow, I will really make more headway on this book, not get distracted by email and social media, stop dreaming about roast chicken because I already ate it, and clear the day for another episode of #authorlife.
But I will keep cuddling the dog, so there.
Pick up Lydia Kang’s Toxic for just 99¢
Hana isn’t supposed to exist. She’s grown up hidden by her mother in a secret room of the bioship Cyclo until the day her mother is simply gone—along with the entire crew. Cyclo tells her she was abandoned, but she’s certain her mother wouldn’t leave her there to die. And Hana isn’t ready to die yet. She’s never really had a chance to live.
Fenn is supposed to die. He and a crew of hired mercenaries are there to monitor Cyclo as she expires, and the payment for the suicide mission will mean Fenn’s sister is able to live. But when he meets Hana, he’s not sure how to save them both.
As Cyclo grows sicker by the day, they unearth more secrets about the ship and the crew. But the more time they spend together, the more Hana and Fenn realize that falling for each other is what could ultimately kill them both.
Lydia Kang is an author of young adult fiction, poetry, and narrative non-fiction. She graduated from Columbia University and New York University School of Medicine, completing her residency and chief residency at Bellevue Hospital in New York City. She is a practicing physician who has gained a reputation for helping fellow writers achieve medical accuracy in fiction. Her poetry and non-fiction have been published in JAMA, The Annals of Internal Medicine, Canadian Medical Association Journal, Journal of General Internal Medicine, and Great Weather for Media. She believes in science and knocking on wood, and currently lives in Omaha with her husband and three children.
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