HOTEL CALIFORNIA (aka Mission Inn) in Riverside, CA
How many of you know the cover of the Eagle’s album Hotel California? That’s actually a picture of the Mission Inn located in Riverside, CA. It’s a fabulous hotel with lots of interesting nooks and crannies. I went there for the Historical Romance Retreat and joined in the scavenger hunt. The organizer (Rene Bernard) did a great job, and the hotel staff members were wonderful as they directed us around the hotel, former abbey, and former mission. I don’t have room here for all the pictures I took, but I’ll give you an idea.
First off, here’s the scavenger hunt list.
Here’s items 2 and 3—the oldest bell and the biggest bell. You can’t read the plaque, but it says this bell of Spanish origin dates from 1247 AD and is considered the oldest bell in Christendom.
Item 4 – Napoleon and Josephine were the two birds.
We searched a long time for Item 8 – the smallest door still in use. The tiniest one pictured isn’t still in use, but the other two were.
Item 11 the Glockenspiel was huge. It’s hard to see here, but there are two figures inside, a day laborer and a night watchman (I think that’s what he was). It’s daytime, so the day laborer is out.
We looked and looked for President Taft’s chair, but who knows if we found it. (If you look close, the chair is labeled as President Taft’s Chair. Yes, you do get to sit in it.)
Anne Rice was hard to find, but here she is thanks to the directions of a friendly maintenance man.
And then there was item 15. Find the LEG. We were desperate here, as you can see. But eventually we found it! It was painted on the wall. We have no idea what LEG stands for, but I’m sure it’s cool!
Now what, you ask, does any of this have to do with my baseball series, The Locker Room Dairies by Kathy Lyons? Nothing. Except that being an author means I get to go to conferences that are sometimes located in amazing places. Tell me what amazing place you’ve visited! And just in case you think I never travel to do baseball things, here’s a picture of my favorite park from the last time my family was there!
Pick up Sliding Home by Kathy Lyons for just 99¢!
Shy and reserved, good girl Ellie McDonald is determined to break out of her shell–and her relationship rut. First order of business, woman up and finally ask her longtime secret crush, Jake Armstrong on a date. She’s not at all his type–which is great. Once Jake turns her down she can finally move on. Except he says yes…
MVP short-stop Jake Armstrong has tried to keep his bad boy nature under wraps. But there’s nothing he likes more than tempting sweet Ellie to the dark side.
But when the hotel catches fire and their rescue–while nearly naked–is caught on camera, the two have a PR problem. Jake’s solution is a fake relationship, just for the season. Only for Ellie, there’s nothing fake about it…
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