Author #Top5 with Victoria James


Top 5 Reasons I love the Fall:


Even though Christmas is my favourite time of year, autumn is hands-down my favourite season! I could write books set in fall and around Christmas and no other time of year :). Here’s my top 5 reason I love the fall:


5) All the fall shows! We’re not huge TV watchers over here, but there’s something about season premiers, cool crisp evenings, and winding down in front of the t.v. Also, I love watching classics with the kids and nothing beats Charlie Brown. 




4) Baking! I love the flavours in fall baking, the smell of pumpkin and cinnamon in the kitchen, especially on a cold, rainy day. Nothing says comfort like a pumpkin loaf baking in the oven.


3) The view! We recently moved to the country and live on a few acres with a forest behind our house. I could sit on the back porch or go for a walk through the trails and just soak in the beauty of the trees around us. This pic was taken on our walk to school one day last fall.


2) Both our kids were born in the fall and we were married in the fall! My husband and I always said that was perfect since it was our favourite season!


1) Thanksgiving! Here in Canada, we celebrate Thanksgiving in early October which I love because the trees are at their most gorgeous and it’s far enough from Christmas that we can really enjoy the holiday without being stressed about Christmas. It does make for a busy October with 2 birthdays, our anniversary, Halloween, and Thanksgiving! This pic was taken last year as we prepared to host Thanksgiving dinner. 



Leaving Shadow Creek nine years ago was the hardest thing Molly Mayberry’s ever had to do…except maybe returning. She’s never regretted her choice, but a chance of a lifetime position at the local hospital means going home and facing her past, including her shrew of an estranged mother and the fiancé she ran out on. Ben Matthews is still the sexy, sweet man she left behind…and apparently still her fiancé.

Ben has been doggedly pursuing the position of fire chief since he was a teenager. There’s just one problem—he has to show his boss he’s ready to settle down. No matter how silly the condition, Ben will make it happen. And apparently so will his brother when he opens his mouth and decides to tell everyone Ben and Molly are engaged. Now the one woman he never stopped loving is living with him in a fake relationship, driving him crazy. Pretending only reminds him how right they were once, but if Ben gives in to the heat building between them, heartache is sure to follow.





I always knew I wanted to be a writer and in grade five, I penned my first story, bound it (with staples) and a cardboard cover and did all the illustrations myself (if you’ve ever seen my drawings you’ll know how horrible they must have been. I still draw stick figures). Luckily, this book will never see the light of day again. In high school I fell in love with historical romance and then contemporary romance. After graduating University with an English Literature degree, I married my own hero, pursued a degree in Interior Design and then opened my own business. After the birth of our first child, I knew it was time to fulfill the dream of writing romantic fiction. I’m a hopeless romantic who is living my dream, penning happily-ever-after’s for my characters in between managing kids and the family business. Writing on a laptop in the middle of the country in a rambling old Victorian house would be ideal, but I’m quite content living in suburbia with my husband, our two young children, and very bad cat.


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