About a year ago I realized that I needed a hobby – other than watching television.
But what to do? I’m not big into cooking and all thumbs when it comes to gardening. So I fell back on one of my mother’s favorite hobbies… crocheting!
In “Her Alpha Viking” Brenna finds herself taking up knitting as a way to spend time while driving cross-country – I went to crocheting mostly because my mother did it and I could remember her spending hours with her wool and projects.
But where to start? I ended up finding an easy pattern for a shawl, using no more than two different stitches – https://www.mamainastitch.com/one-skein-crochet-boho-shawl-pattern/
So far I’ve made two shawls and started on what might be a wrap or a blanket – depending on how it goes. I don’t worry about gauge, just picking out the colors I like and working easy stitches. I’m doing it for myself and it’s a great way to recharge my batteries with the physical work and creating something cool!
So, if you’re tired of playing video games and want to try something a bit different, why not consider taking up knitting or crocheting? There’s plenty of starter books and kits out there and all you need is a bit of space and time…
Former soldier Erik Harrison is a dead man walking. The sole survivor of an ambush, the guilt of losing his friends is crushing. He questions his own sanity, remembering the vision he saw as he was dying –– a battle angel come to collect his friends’ souls.
Valkyrie Brenna Lund doesn’t know why she failed in her duty to reap Erik’s soul on the battlefield. He deserves his place with the other mighty warriors in Valhalla, and if she wants to return home, she has to kill him.
There are consequences for betraying the gods. But the closer Brenna and Erik become, the more they both want to risk everything for a future together. If only an immortal hunter weren’t sent to kill them both.
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