#AuthorLife with Victoria Davies

When it comes to writing, one common question that comes up for most authors is, “What’s your process?” I’m sure the questioner thinks we have a succinct, eloquent answer to give. And while I know some authors with incredible, methodical routines on how to write a book, I tend to go another way…

  1. First, there is a flurry of excitement. A blank page lies before me that I’m about to transform into anything I want. Times are good.




  1. The first chapter goes well. It flows so smoothly. I start to think, maybe I’m remembering this all wrong. Maybe this book will be so simple to write




  1. Then I hit chapter three and the memories of the last book start to come back to me.




  1. By the fifth chapter, my mind starts to wander.




  1. Then comes the mid-point where procrastination is well under way.




  1. But then some epic scene makes me fall in love with my characters again and I just sit there thinking about them like…




  1. Light at the end of the tunnel! The first draft if done. Hallelujah!



  1. Then I give the book to a friend to read over and they point out a plot hole I didn’t notice and now really want to ignore.




  1. But like a good little writer, I dutifully go back to fix it. I’m feeling great. Life is good. That is until I read over the draft and realize fixing one plot hole created five more.




  1. But it’s all worth it when you get the story crafted exactly how you want it and those characters you fell in love with get their happily ever after.





Check out Victoria’s latest release, Giving Up the Boss!







Executive assistant Lori has finally said those three little words to her boss, Jackson Sinclair, that have haunted her for months–– Goodbye, I quit. Yep. That happened. Then she sort of ran over him. It was an accident. No. Really. It was. Now he can’t remember anything––and it’s up to her to keep his billion-dollar corporation running until he gets his memory back.

Billionaire Jackson Sinclair wakes up in a hospital to a life he can’t remember. The only person who feels familiar is Lori. The more he learns about his past, though, the more it disturbs him. He was kind of cold, and he can’t imagine why the lovely Lori put up with him. And she is lovely, as in, he can’t stop thinking about her. But he has a company to save, and there’s no time for that sort thing. Especially when it seems like his assistant is hiding something from him.

As his condition shows no signs of healing, Lori can’t help wonder what’s best, telling the truth about his accident and losing the man of her dreams or keeping quiet and living the best lie of her life.





Victoria Davies’s passion for writing started young. Luckily she had a family who encouraged believing in magic and embracing imagination. From stories quickly scribbled in bright pink diaries, her love of storytelling developed. Since then her characters may have evolved and her plots may have grown decidedly more steamy but she never lost her love of the written word. Writing is not only a way to silence the wonderful voices in her head, but it also allows her to share her passions with her readers.

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