#Top5 with Robin Bielman



Top 5 Things Robin Bielman Can’t Resist



#5 Breakfast for dinner


I love breakfast, but I’m not usually very hungry in the mornings, so eating breakfast foods for dinner is one of my favorite things. An omelet, cinnamon toast, pancakes, and of course, cereal!






#4 Justin Timberlake


I love his music! Currently I can’t stop listening to “Say Something” over and over again. Every song he releases makes me want to dance and sing along with him!






#3 Flip-flops


I have so many pairs of flip-flops! And if I’m shoe shopping and see them hanging there all cute, I’ll buy a pair of them instead of what I really need.

(Photo by Robin, taken in Noosa, Australia.)

#2 Coffee drinks


Add me to the list of people who would love a caffeine drip.JIt’s become a terrible habit, really, because I don’t like the good old fashioned coffee my hubby makes at home every morning. No, I like the mochas and lattes and ice blended yumminess from coffee shops.






#1 Reading past my bedtime


I am not a patient reader! I love to get to the HEA sooner rather than later, especially with a story I’m in love with, so I’ll stay up until the wee hours of the morning to finish a book. Who needs sleep when your book boyfriend is making you swoon?






What can’t you resist?





Grab Too Hard To Resist by Robin Bielman, out now!

Have you ever wished for the perfect job? Me, too. So when I land a temporary gig with a worthwhile and exemplary startup, I’m determined to make it permanent. That my boss is the gorgeous, clever Elliot Sax is nothing I can’t handle. We may steal glances at each other and straddle the line of playing it safe, but our partnership is too important for complications. Not to mention workplace hookups are against the rules.

But when our attraction flames hotter, our best efforts are put to the test. I never imagined having to fight my feelings for him on a daily basis and keeping my hands to myself is absolutely killing me.

Until I can’t. Until we can’t. And what’s at stake becomes more than our jobs. What’s at risk is our hearts.






When not attached to her laptop, USA Today Bestselling Author Robin Bielman can almost always be found with her nose in a book. A California girl, the beach is her favorite place for fun and inspiration. Her fondness for swoon-worthy heroes who flirt and stumble upon the girl they can’t live without jumpstarts all of her story ideas. She is a 2014 RITA Finalist, loves to frequent coffee shops, and plays a mean game of sock tug of war with her cute, but sometimes naughty dog, Harry. She cherishes her family and friends and loves to connect with readers. You can sign-up for her newsletter here: http://bit.ly/1E140Y4

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