#FoodieFriday with Melia Alexander

Welcome to #FoodieFriday!


In spite of my love of all things chocolate and red wine, I really do try to balance it all with low-carb meal options. But when I’m really wanting bread, that can be tough! Fortunately, I stumbled on this amazing recipe for 90 second Keto Bread that’s made in the microwave! It’s soooo good, and I swear you’d never know that there’s no carbs in it at all. One trick I did learn was to make sure to use room temperature eggs (place eggs in a bowl and let it sit in hot tap water while you assemble the rest of the ingredients) so it doesn’t have that “eggy” smell. Anyway, give it a try and enjoy!


Imager and recipe from www.lowcarbspark.com


Check out Melia’s new release The Best Friend Incident!

Stacey Winters is in love with love, but so far, she’s only found Mr. Dud, Mr. Cheater, and Mr. Boring. Even though her best friend Grant isn’t an option, at least being around him offers her a window into the male psyche—and sets the bar high for her future Mr. Right.

But then she accidentally crosses the friend zone and kisses him, and it starts to feel a little too much like he might be what she’s been looking for…

Grant Phillips doesn’t do relationships. A casualty of the foster care system, he knows people are just looking for a reason to bolt. “No attachments” is his hard and fast rule. There’s only one exception: his best friend, Stacey. He refuses to jeopardize what they have.

But now that he knows how good it felt to kiss her, felt the addictive slide of her body against his, Stacey Winters is indelibly stamped onto Grant’s brain—and not just as his friend.

He is so screwed.

Melia Alexander is the author of sassy, sexy, fun contemporary romances, but is also fortunate to spend her week days at The Male Observation Lab (a.k.a. her job at a construction company) where she gets to observe guys in their natural habitat. Though they often behave like typical alpha males, she’s often seen through their personas to the heart of who they really are – the heroes of their own stories. A native of Guam, Melia traded in warm, tropical breezes for the rainy Pacific Northwest. She’s an avid reader who also loves romantic comedies – preferably with a glass of Cab Sauv and a box of dark chocolates nearby. In her free time, she’s busy conquering her CrossFit fears: ring dips, power cleans, and the dreaded 800 meter run.

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