#AuthorLife with Stefanie London


What happens on release day?


Release day is one of the most exciting and terrifying days of an author’s life. It’s the culmination of months (sometimes years) of hard work. We authors are always thrilled to see our books make it out into the world, but of course there are the usual worries. Will people like our baby? Will they be interested enough to pick up a copy?


It all starts, as most days do, with waking up. For some of us, this is more challenging:




And then coffee. Because…well, coffee.



Then we head to our desks, trying to act like today isn’t a big deal at all. We’re totally NOT going to immediately stalk our Amazon numbers.




This lasts approximately 3.2 seconds




Then we venture into Amazon.




We’re hoping it will be like this…




And not this:




Release day is often when we hear from bloggers and reviewers, and when they love our book it’s one of the best feelings in the world!



Getting an email from a reader is also a HUGE highlight of the day




It’s also great when our friends chime in and wish us well




That’s when we realize we have A TON OF WORK TO DO!!



Often well into the night:




We usually collapse into bed way later that we’d planned, exhausted from all the excitement and nerves




But it’s so worth it to release another book into the wild.



If you’ve ever shared a post, commented on an authors, bought their new book, or left a review; THANK YOU! Often we’re already knee-deep in plans for our next project, but we appreciate every single reader. With you, we wouldn’t be able to do what we love!



Pick up Taken by the CEO by Stefanie London for just 99¢!


It was only supposed to be a little white lie. When Emmaline Greene pretends to be Sarah, the confident, sexy woman she wishes she could be, she figures no harm, no foul. Her one-night stand will never find out. Wrong. The gorgeous guy she slept with isn’t just amazing in bed…he’s also her new boss.

Parker Wentworth has a lot to prove. He’s just been appointed CEO of his family’s company and is tasked with repairing its scandalous reputation. He can’t afford any distractions or complications. Too bad the attractive blonde he takes to bed turns out to be both. So why can’t he forget the incredible night they spent together and move on?

And why does he have this need to know the real Emmaline?






Growing up, Stefanie came from a family of women who loved to read. Her favourite activity was going shopping with her Nan during school holidays, where she would sit on the floor of the bookstore with her little sister and painstakingly select the books to spend her allowance on. Thus, it was no surprise Stefanie was the sort of student who would read her English books before the semester started. After sneaking several literature subjects into her ‘very practical’ Business degree, she got a job in Communications. When writing emails and newsletters didn’t fulfil her creative urges, she turned to fiction and was finally able to write the stories that kept her mind busy at night. Now she lives in Melbourne with her very own hero and enough books to sink a ship. She frequently indulges in her passions for good coffee, French perfume, high heels and zombie movies. At night she writes sexy, contemporary romance stories and tries not to spend too much time shopping online and watching baby animal videos on YouTube.

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