#TravelTuesday with Allison B. Hanson



I know I’m not alone in the fact that I love to travel, many people do. But I might be unusual in the way I prefer to get to my vacation destination. I have taken ten trips through twenty states and one territory on my motorcycle.


From the top of Mt. Washington in New Hampshire, to the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee, I haven’t met a curvy road I didn’t like. Inside my helmet I’m alone to plot out my next story as I enjoy the scenery unfold around me.


I know what you want to ask. What happens when it rains? The answer is: I get wet. But it’s okay. It’s all part of the adventure, and my gear keeps me cool, dry, or warm depending on what climate I’m traveling in. I’ve also mastered the art of packing light. Putting in my contacts using the tiny side mirror on my bike? Not a problem. Drying my gloves on my exhaust? Many times.


There’s nothing like coming around a turn on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia to see a black bear trot across the road, take a ferry across the Kentucky River, or breathe in the salty, sea air while touring the coast of Maine.



Riding provides a more intimate view of the places I pass on my journey. And while cruising through the Town that Time Forgot, I start to spin tales of the people who might live there.


Yes, I might arrive with a spattering of bugs on my jacket, and sunburn on my cheeks, but it’s all worth it for the stories and the adventure.


Four wheels move the body… Two wheels move the soul.



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Deputy Marshal Garrett McKendrick does not get involved with witnesses he’s tasked to protect. Especially when his boss has a very personal reason for keeping Samantha Hutchinson alive. Can you say off limits?

But as Garrett battles to keep Sam safe from the powerful and influential people out to silence her—permanently—he finds she’s strong, feisty, and willing to risk everything to tell the truth. And totally irresistible.

Losing everything you know and love might just be worth it to meet an amazing man like Garrett. But when Sam learns he has been keeping secrets from her—big ones—she’s convinced his affectionate words were all for the sake of the job. She sends him packing. But can her new protective detail be trusted? The last team betrayed her to the enemy…

Garrett isn’t about to take any chances. Not with the woman who has stolen his heart.





One very early morning, Allison B. Hanson woke up with a conversation going on in her head. It wasn’t so much a dream as being forced awake by her imagination. Unable to go back to sleep, she gave in, went to the computer, and began writing. Years later it still hasn’t stopped. Allison lives near Hershey, Pennsylvania. Her contemporary romances include paranormal, sci-fi, fantasy, and mystery suspense. She enjoys candy immensely, as well as long motorcycle rides, running and reading.

About Author

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