#TravelTuesday with Jody Holford


Now seems like a very good time to do a Travel Tuesday blog post because I REALLY wish I was back on vacation, hanging out at the beach or strolling through Disneyland, soaking up the hot weather and bright, shining sun. Don’t get me wrong, I love fall. I think it’s beautiful with the leaves changing and the sound of them crunching under foot, but soon it’s going to be all rain all the time and I’m going to desperately miss the sun.

We went to Disneyland this August for the third time with our daughters. My husband and I had been together once before, plus I’d been when I was a kid and so had he (a lot more times than me). It’s safe to say, we’re a Disney house. Actually, we’re like a Disney Sing-a-long house. It really, truly is the happiest place on earth. I should mention though, that I’ve never been to Hawaii, so I could be wrong—I feel like I’d like it there too.

We plan on going back to Disney in 2020 which will be our 20th wedding anniversary. Now that we’ve been several times, I feel like we know some “tricks” that make each visit more enjoyable. I’ll share them with you below and hope that you’ll tell me if you’ve been to Disneyland and what your favorite part of the experience is.

Tips and Tricks:

Go at the end of August. To be fair, there might be other times just as good, but as my husband and I are both teachers, we need to find a time that falls on a break, but isn’t crazy expensive like Christmas and Spring Break tend to be. The last four times we went, we did so at the end of August. Because different states have different school start up days and Anaheim seems to be back in session at this time, we’ve always had minimal waits, which is definitely a bonus.


Nothing but sun! Look how empty it is!

Meet up with friends. I wouldn’t say the more the merrier because Disneyland when it’s busy can be kind of nutty. However, whenever we’re in California, we meet up with friends who are more like family and they are honestly one of the highlights of every trip. My girls love routine and knowing what to expect. So if we’re planning on going to California, they’re going to want to see our friends.


Captain Brandon and his first mate, Amy.

Splurge. Truth? I’m never going to wear those mouse ears again. But this was our third time as a family and we went into the Mad Hatter, which I love, and I thought, why not? Every experience is unique and I love this photo. My mother in law joined in on the fun and though I won’t wear them again, I’m not sorry I bought them.

But don’t go crazy…see the backpack? My husband started each day with 16 water bottles in it. We generally had to buy more water or restock at some point. Water is crazy expensive in the park, but staying hydrated is an absolute must. Three out of four of the times we’ve gone at this time of year, there’s been a heat wave.


Not this last time, but the time before, we accidentally slept in until ten on our first day there. I woke up in a panic, certain we’d ruined our vacation because how were we going to soak every last ounce of fun out of a trip if we slept the day away? Guess what? We had such a great time, were so well rested, didn’t miss out on anything, and decided to sleep in again the next day. Magic Mornings are great and all, but really, having happy, well rested kids (okay, and moms and dads) is just as awesome.


Take too many pictures. The memories fade when all of the days blend together and we spend many hours pouring through our Shutterfly albums reliving them, talking about them, and wishing we were back on vacation.





Get More Than Friends by Jody Halford for 99¢!



Owen Burnett planned on a quiet, easygoing Christmas, hanging out with his best friend and neighbor, Gabby Michaelson. So when his mom pressures him to come home for the holidays, he tells a little white lie…that he’s spending the holidays with his new girlfriend. But when his family shows up unexpectedly, Owen pulls the best friend card and asks Gabby to play his fake girlfriend.

Gabby’s been hopelessly in love with her best friend Owen for what feels like forever, but playing his “fake” girlfriend when the entire boisterous Burnett clan visits is easier said than done. The more she tries to deny the attraction between them, the more obvious their chemistry becomes. But even though she’s not the only one feeling it, putting their friendship on the line is a risk she can’t take.





Jody Holford lives in British Columbia with her family. She’s a huge fan of Rainbow Rowell, Nora Roberts, Carly Phillips, Rachel Gibson, Sophia Kinsella, and Emily Giffen. She’s unintentionally funny and rarely on time for anything. She writes multiple genres but her favourite is romance.


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