Entangled Under the Mistletoe with Barbara White Daille

Hi, I’m Barbara White Daille, and I write for Bliss. I love all the holidays, but especially Christmas. There are the gifts, of course, and the food (including lots of chocolate!), the music and movies, the many trips to the mall. But mostly, I love Christmas because it gives us the chance to spend time and celebrate with family and friends.

Favorite Holiday Song:

White Christmas (and on the lighter side, Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer!)

Favorite Holiday Food:

Anything with chocolate. :) This includes my favorite holiday cookies: Peanut Blossoms.

Favorite Holiday Movie:

Miracle on 34th Street because, like Amber, the heroine of One Week to Win Her Boss, I want to believe in Christmas miracles.


Are you the type of person who on November 1st…thinks it’s time to break out the Christmas music or thinks It’s not even Thanksgiving yet folks!

Bring on the carols! Along with that, I’m a big tea drinker, and right after Halloween I unbox my Christmas mug collection for a jumpstart into the holiday spirit.

Are you one of those shoppers who has gone through your list and are done shopping well ahead of Christmas or are you elbowing people out of your way on Christmas Eve to finish your shopping?

I’m too polite to elbow. LOL But I do love the thrill of scouting out last-minute bargains, plus the added excitement of finding just the right extra gifts for friends and loved ones, just under the wire.


Looking for a great read this holiday season? Check out One Week to Win Her Boss


Hero’s Name: Michael DeFranco

Heroine’s Name: Amber Barnett

What would be the perfect gift your hero would give your heroine and why?

His babysitting services. I know—what?!? But Amber’s a single mom who wouldn’t mind leaving her little one with Michael. It’s all part of her plan to get her hunky Scrooge to learn to love everything about Snowflake Valley, including her and her four-month-old daughter.

What would be the perfect gift your heroine would give your hero and why?

An extended vacation at his own lodge, because she knows he needs the break from his demanding job as his company’s CEO. And because she’s got her master plan to make him fall in love with Snowflake Valley…and with her family, her baby, and her.

Where would your hero or heroine secretly hang some mistletoe to catch an extra special holiday kiss and why?

Funny you should ask! There’s actually a scene in the book involving mistletoe and a meatloaf dinner at the local diner, known as the Candy Cane. :)

Share an excerpt of your favorite kissing scene between these two characters.

The thwack of a lightly packed snowball exploded against Amber’s shoulder. She whirled to find Michael grinning. “What was that for?”

“Rule number one. Never turn your back on an opponent when there’s snow around.”

As if she hadn’t already known that. “Well, here’s rule number two. Never throw a snowball at someone with better aim.” While she’d spoken, she had knelt to scoop up a handful of snow, watching Michael as he did the same. She timed her missile to hit just as he stood upright. The snowball burst against his chest. “Score!”

As he raised his arm, she ducked. His snowball sailed two feet over her head.

“Rookie!” she called, laughing. “I had a better arm when I was in kindergarten.”

“Oh, yeah? Ever have your face washed with snow?”

“Not by you. And I never will.” When she crouched for another handful of snow, Michael advanced, his long legs suddenly closing half the space between them. Squealing, she turned to run—and tripped over the handle of the shovel.

As she went down, Michael tackled her, sliding one arm around her waist. Before she could hit the drifts of snow, he rolled, pulling her against him, cushioning her fall. She landed lightly on the ground beside him.

“Unfair,” she declared, gasping to catch her breath. “This isn’t football.”

“All’s fair in a snowball fight,” he countered. He scooped up a mound of snow in one gloved hand. “About that face-washing.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Wouldn’t I?”

“Oh, pretty please, Michael…” She clasped her hands together in a pleading gesture. As he returned her smile, she knocked his arm away. His handful of snow sprayed across the ground. She laughed. “And about the power of distraction…”

“You fight dirty.”

“No, I fight to win.”

“So do I.” He took her hand. Then he lowered his head toward hers. He stopped with his mouth just inches from her lips. She shivered, but not from the snow beneath them. “Now tell me what I wouldn’t dare.”

Did she have the nerve to say it?

Did she have the strength not to?

“You wouldn’t dare kiss me,” she blurted.

“Wouldn’t I?”

Oh, pretty please, Michael…

He brushed her mouth with his. Once. Twice. Three times. More than enough to tantalize. Not enough to satisfy…

Get Your Copy of One Week to Win Her Boss 

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