Entangled Under the Mistletoe with Jody Holford

My name is Jody Holford and I am both a contemporary romance and cozy mystery author. What I love most about the holidays is lights and the decorations. I absolutely love seeing the special lights they put on street lamps and the bulbs trimming the houses. I love being with my family and listening to holiday music and of course, watching our favorite Christmas movies.

Favorite Holiday Song:

God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman sung by Barenaked Ladies and Sarah McLachlan

Favorite Holiday Food:

Turkey and mashed potatoes

Favorite Holiday Movie:

A Christmas Story and Miracle on 34th Street. It’s a tie.

Are you the type of person who on November 1st…thinks it’s time to break out the Christmas music or thinks It’s not even Thanksgiving yet folks!

As I am Canadian, our Thanksgiving is actually mid-October and I’d be more than happy to start bringing out the decorations then.

Are you one of those shoppers who has gone through your list and are done shopping well ahead of Christmas or are you elbowing people out of your way on Christmas Eve to finish your shopping?

My favorite thing is to be done my shopping by early December and then when I go to the mall, I can just enjoy the atmosphere and not worry about the line-ups.

Looking for a great holiday read? Check out More than Friends by Jody Holford

Hero’s Name: Owen Burnett

Heroine’s Name: Gabby Michaelson

What would the perfect gift your hero would give your heroine and why?

A beautiful set of new art brushes as she’s an artist and expresses herself best on canvas.

What would the perfect gift your heroine would give your hero and why?

The latest geeky tech device because Owen loves technology.

Where would your hero or heroine secretly hang some mistletoe to catch an extra special holiday kiss and why?

Over the entryway to the kitchen since Gabby loves food and Owen loves feeding her.

Share an excerpt of your favorite kissing scene between these two characters.

“Owen?” Her voice was a whisper.

“There isn’t anything about you I would change.”

He wanted to say more. He wanted to say the words that were tumbling inside his brain and his heart, words he’d held back or buried. But right in that moment, he wanted something more.

Bringing his hand to her face, he smoothed his thumb across her lips. He heard, felt, her breath quicken as he inched closer, until looking into her eyes began to consume him and he had to let his own close. His mouth touched hers—not for show or because anyone expected it, but because he needed to kiss her, needed to trace her lips with his tongue and memorize the taste of her. Of Gabby.

Her hand moved up his chest, around the back of his neck and into his hair where her fingers gripped, tightened, like she was afraid he’d get away. There was absolutely nowhere he’d rather be. Using his tongue and his teeth along the column of her neck as he’d wanted to earlier, his fingers drifted down, lowering the strap of her tank top. He nipped at her jaw, trailing kisses back up to her ear, telling her she was perfect.

She was everything. She was his. How the hell could he have missed this? And how would they ever go back to the way it had been before?

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