#AuthorLife with Kira Archer


Perfectly Laid Plans and How They Actually Pan Out – #AuthorLife with Kira Archer


Once my little darlings are back in school and gone all day, I have time to get ALL THE THINGS done. My days typically begin great. The kids pop right out of bed for school.







As soon as they are gone, I get right to work. I am great at getting things done. ON TIME. You can ask my editors.





Gotta walk the dog a few times.





And then I finally get some really good momentum going.





About 5 minutes before it’s time to get the kids and start the after school run-around.





My kids are really active in sports and band so there are a lot of practices to get to. So I like to crank up the music and have some fun while driving. It doesn’t embarrass my children at all.





And I’m really lucky that my kids get along so well in the car.





I squeeze in some wordage whenever I can, even at my kids’ soccer, football, and baseball practices. It usually goes very well.





Once everyone is home for the night, we make sure homework is done and I generally remember to feed them at some point.





And once my angels are tucked in for the night, I get comfy on the couch or climb into bed…and get some more work done. Because, you know, deadlines. Which I’m TOTALLY on top of.





After a peaceful night’s slumber, I awake bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to face a whole new day.




Be sure to grab Kira’s Sweetly, Deeply, Absolutely for just 99¢!







Culinary student Jenny Boyd happily agreed to help at her friend’s bakery while she was on vacation, and working side by side a 6’2” piece of man-candy is the icing on the cake. That is, until he opens his big mouth and agrees to make the wedding cake of the century for a giddy bride in under two weeks. Of course he did. And to think she’d been fantasizing about licking powdered sugar off his muscular shoulders. Now she wants to rap him in the head with her rolling pin.

Graphic designer Jared Crew can’t believe he agreed to help manage his best friend’s bakery—and with her, the hottest baker in three states. She’s smart and sassy and so sexy he accidentally accepted an order to make a twenty-layer baklava wedding cake, whatever that is. One thing is for sure—Jenny might just kill him before he can convince her that desserts aren’t the only sweet thing between them…






Kira Archer resides in Pennsylvania with her husband, two kiddos, and far too many animals in the house. She tends to laugh at inappropriate moments, break all the rules she gives her kids (but only when they aren’t looking), and would rather be reading a book than doing almost anything else. She has odd, eclectic tastes in just about everything and often lets her imagination run away with her. She loves her romances a little playful, a lot sexy, and always with a happily ever after.

About Author

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