Entangled’s #DoneIt List


We’ve been inspired by The Heartbeat Hypothesis by Lindsey Frydman!


The heroine in this story enlists the hero’s help to complete a #DoneIt list—a collection of photos of things they’ve done. We’ve decided to complete our own #DoneIt list and we want YOU to join us!


What’s on our #DoneIt list? You’ll just have to follow Entangled on Snapchat (@entangledbooks), Twitter, and Instagram to find out! Our team, and a few surprise authors, will be completing a bunch of activities for the very first time and sharing the experience with YOU! You don’t want to miss out on some of the crazy stunts we’ve got up our collective sleeve.

We also want YOU to join in the fun. What’s on your #DoneIt list? Rolling down a hill in a blanket? Jumping off the high-dive? Driving through town with the top down and singing at the top of your lungs? Walking in the snow barefoot? Whatever the activity may be, snap a picture or take a video of it, use the hashtag #DoneIt and tag us so we can cheer you on!

Is there something you’ve always wanted to try, but you need someone else to go first? Tell us some of your #DoneIt ideas and maybe we’ll be up for the challenge! Let us know what #DoneIt items you’d like to see us complete in the comments, or tweet us your ideas! You just never know what we’ll be up to next!


Check out our very own Heather Riccio completing one of her #DoneIt items!




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