Fifty Shades of OH MY!

Are you ready for Fifty Shades Darker?


The new franchise trailer from Fandango has us in the mood and ready to get back into bed with Christian Grey! It’s so hot we were still blushing when we had to answer the door for UPS. (Seriously, we don’t want to know what our UPS guy thinks of us at this point. And we are truly sorry for any awkwardness we caused.)


Check out the trailer now.

WARNING: Be sure to grab a cold beverage first.


We thought we’d also share a few of our favorite promos we’ve seen over the past week.
It’s like every where we turn, we’re running into Christian and Anastasia. We’re pretty sure they are beckoning us to come see the movie. They NEED us at the premier. 

This promo with a few of our Shadowhunters favorites was further proof that we are meant to go see the movie. This weekend. We’ll even go it alone if we have to. We can’t say know to Christian and Anastasia after all.


Don’t you just love Simon? You know he’s interested in trying out what’s happening behind closed doors.  He may act all innocent and sweet, but there is a total wild child just dying to get out.

Now we can’t forget the SUPER hot Fifty Shades Cleaner promo from Ellen. 
We HEAR you Mr. Clean. We pulled out our dusty mop and swished away all the dirt on the floor. So bring on the dirty.


Seriously, how did we not notice that Mr. Clean is a serious babe? Did you SEE him sway those hips?


Are you as excited as we are to step back into Christian and Anastasia’s naughty little world? Are you planning to see the movie this weekend? Let us know in the comments or find us on Twitter and tell us all about your Fifty Shades weekend plans!

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