Are you loving This is Us as much as we are? We can’t get enough of this show. It makes us laugh, cry, swoon, sob a little more. Basically it gives us All. The. Feels! Here are just a few of the reasons we have to tune in each week:
1. Randall and Beth are serious #RelationshipGoals. These two are funny, sweet, sexy, romantic, swoon-worthy, passionate…need we go on?
2. Jack is the most amazing father.
When everyone leaves Kate’s party, he Vogues with her. *sobs*
He also isn’t afraid to own up to his mistakes.
3. We all need a William in our life to set us straight. He speaks from experience and lays it all out there.
4.Kevin giving awkward advice is all of us.
5. You’ll want to be a part of the BIG THREE!
Are you watching This is Us on ABC? Find us on Twitter as @entangledpub as let us know your favorite moments!
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