Ask the Authors: What’s your favorite part about the Christmas season and why?

There is so much to love about Christmas—spending time with family, the festive music, bookish presents, the holiday treats, the beautiful decorations, the shopping frenzy (?), the snow (?), and did we mention bookish presents? ?  With so many things to love about Christmas, we have no idea how anyone could choose a favorite. But we challenged our authors to do just that! You’ll probably notice that they had trouble choosing just one…

N.J. Walters, author of Drakon’s Promise

I love everything about Christmas—decorating the tree, putting up lights, the seasonal music and movies. But my favorite part of Christmas is the family traditions. There are certain foods and treats I make only at the holidays, like five-minute fudge, cherry cake, homemade chocolates, and cranberry sauce. We get together on Christmas Eve and barbecue, and have been doing that since I was a child. It’s all about family and laughter and good times together.



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Dawn Chartier, author of Forever Charmed

Family time is my favorite part of the season, but I also love decorating for the holidays. I put on some Christmas music, drink some egg nog, and go crazy decorating the house. Our fake pre-lit tree bit the dust last year, so cross your fingers I get a real one this year. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!



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Harper A. Brooks, author of The Hunt

I love, love, love wrapping gifts. I’m weird, I know. Most people hate it, but it’s therapeutic for me. And I’m good at it. Shiny paper, matching ribbons, bows, glitter—you name it. I have things color coded and organized according to family gifts and friends. I go all out.

I also enjoy buying gifts. I’m not a shopper when it comes to myself, but when I have to buy for other people, all bets are off. I go a little crazy. Especially if I have to buy for babies or children. My godchildren always get spoiled.



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 Kristin Miller, author of The San Francisco Wolf Pack Boxed Set

My favorite part of the holiday season is Christmas Eve. Our extended families (mine and my husband’s) gather together at our house for dinner, drinks, games, and gifts. We eat delicious food (chocolate fountain fondue!), watch the kids play with their new toys (the best part), laugh until our cheeks hurt, and listen to classical Christmas music. While I absolutely love having everyone over, it’s the quiet when everyone leaves that warms my heart. Kids tucked in, hopeful for the morning. Candles flickering low. Clean house that smells of fudge and chocolate chip cookies. Presents under the tree. Love in our hearts. That’s it, right there. It’s everything.



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Now it’s your turn! What’s your favorite part of the holiday season? And don’t forget to pick up your copies of the authors’ latest releases!

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