Spring Fling With Alyssa Goodnight


Give a big, warm, spring welcome to Alyssa Goodnight, author of the wonderful Select Contemporary novel, JUST SAY YES! Alyssa is here with a special Spring Fling guest post, so sit back and enjoy!

Spring Break Outnumbered

Most years (this one included), my Spring Fling = Spring Break, my boys’ week off school in mid-March. This year’s break happened to fall last week, and we headed out on a road trip to Asheville, NC as soon as it began. With one husband and two teenage boys, I’m always outnumbered (unless you count the dogs, but they don’t contribute much to the conversation, so in this case, I don’t). On a fifteen hour (with stops) car trip, the boyishness is fully concentrated. Essentially every bit of their conversation involves sports, superheroes, video games, or some combination of the three. The expressions “rekt,” “MLG,” and “OP” are constantly being uttered in place of “burn,” “awesome,” and “cool.” I try to sporadically throw a few into my own conversation just to see the slack-jawed expressions it inspires, but really I’m just overwhelmed.

A couple hours into the drive, I offered up some ocean-themed gummies I’d purchased from Trader Joe’s specifically for the trip, because they ALL like gummies. The sixteen-year-old pulled out a lobster and instantly compared it to a penis and testicles (Exhibit A). And once the P word was in play, everyone wanted to use it. Finally I had to limit usage or risk hearing it every five minutes for all those hours still to come. That didn’t stop the snickers or veiled comments, but it was better than the alternative.

Exhibit A

One night we had dinner at a burger place that was hosting a round of trivia, so we stayed to play. Between the three of them, the best team name they could come up with was The Arrow (no doubt because they’re marathoning the second season of Arrow together as part of Spring Break festivities). Among the other team names…”Deeper is Better,” (which the host insisted be changed, resulting in “The Team Formerly Known as Deeper”) and “Cunning Linguists.” Evidently the host wasn’t nearly as bothered by that one. Go figure. I was almost zero help with the trivia–although I did come up with an obscure answer regarding the sitcom Wings, amazing even myself. It’s fascinating what can crank up your coolness factor as a mom, but whatever works, right?

We hiked (a lot), they indulged in hours of mindless video games, and we ate most of our meals out. My hiatus from cooking and doing dishes made for a refreshing break all on its own. It was a very laid back break, and while I was feeling a little bit twitchy and outnumbered, they all loved it.

Now that we’re back home and everyone’s back at work and in school, I’m looking forward to a mini Spring Fling of my own (Exhibit B). Right before break, I typed The End on my latest book, and now I’m taking a bit of time to deglaze the singed bits of my life before carrying on. What’s in store? Quiet mornings on the patio with a mug of chai. Long walks and bike rides, plugged into audio books. Some bee and butterfly friendly gardening now that the last freeze is officially in the rear view. And I’m always up for ogling pretty pics of Matt Bomer…

But most of all, I’m looking forward to a significant drop in the number of penis and testicle mentions… At least until summer vacation.

Exhibit B


JUST SAY YES is on sale for only $0.99 for a limited time!


About the book:

He’s just what she needs…

Single mom Jade Moran isn’t ready for any big changes in either her horrible ’70s kitchen or her romantic life. Her ex did a number on her, and she isn’t interested in getting hurt again. But when she meets a super-hot contractor, she wonders if avocado appliances are on the way out and romance is on the way in.

Max Gianopoulis doesn’t have a clue why he’s so enchanted by Jade. She’s almost as big a mess as her kitchen, and he’s a guy who likes to keep things simple. But Jade has turned up the flirty heat – and he can’t keep his hands off her.

With everything moving too fast and coming too easy, Jade’s insecurities kick into high gear. She’s not sure she can trust another man again – and she definitely doesn’t believe in happily ever afters…

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