Meet the Bloggers: Dream Jobs


In Romancing the Ranger by Jennie Marts Reese once had dreams of becoming a writer but practical life derailed her dreams until she meets dreamy ranger, Wade Baker, who encourages her to pursue her life passion.
So we wanted to know, if money and skill level were no object what are the dream jobs of some of our readers. See what they had to say and let us know what your dream job would be in the comments.


Christina Marie from LuLo Fangirl said…

Makeup Artist for Cover Models

I have been doing makeup since I was 16 years old. I, actually, work in the beauty industry now. I’ve always seen it as a form of expression that you could change every single day. Because at the end of the day, you can wash off your art and start all over again the next day. Now, my love for books came a little later and I found myself wanting to tie the two passions together, because books and makeup? Oh yeah! What finally made the decision for me was, one day, really finding myself glancing at the models on the covers of my favorite books! Looking at the details of their makeup, their expressions, even their backdrops? I could definitely see myself being a part of bringing these characters to life by simply looking at the book covers! Not to mention, imagine all the beautiful people that I’d get to meet and make up! There’s NO job greater than that for me!


Samantha from The Book Disciple dreams of being…

My dream job would be to be an editor or get paid to blog. I have severe OCD and it has caused a bit of agoraphobia, so a job where I could work from home would be amazing! Plus, hello? Who wouldn’t want to get paid to do something you love so much! My 2nd choice for a dream job would be graphic designer. I have absolutely NO talent in this area but I am super interested! I would love to design book covers, blog logos, etc.

Diane from Ladies Who Lunch Reviews would like to…

My dream job would be naming nail polish colors for a company like OPI! A wonderful combination of writing, imagination, color and beauty.


Christina from Nice Ladies, Naughty Books said…

WOW! My dream job would be to open a bookstore/cupcake bakery. Every day would be filled full of baking delicious cupcakes of many different colors and flavors then sharing my love of books with the public. How perfect would it be to pick out a book and curl up in a sofa with a cupcake and escape for just a little while. Of course, since it’s my dream, the cupcakes absolutely do not go to your thighs, belly, or booty!


Kitty from Kitty’s Book Spot dreams of…

My dream job would be to be paid to be a proofreader or editor. I love to read books. All books in the romance genre. I read every hour and chance that I get already, so to have income from it would be an amazing blessing in my life.

My husband is disabed. With the 3 kids we have, I have had to take whatever part-time jobs are available to me. I have health reasons for having to do it the part-time way instead of getting a full-time job. I have one adult kid who works, and that helps. I would just love to be able to say I did it all myself.

Kim from Mistress of Romance said…

I’ve consider what I thought would be my dream job since high school. I haven’t been one of the people who knew what they wanted to do. I feel like it is ever evolving. I went to school and became a dietician, but because of body issues, I don’t practice. I flitted from paying job to paying job, until I had a baby.

Having a baby changed everything. I became consumed with learning everything about natural light photography. While I’m creating memories for families and their children, I didn’t feel fulfilled. I decided and became a boudoir photographer. I wanted to give women the gift to look at themselves the way the world sees them, not the way they see themselves. Give them confidence that every woman deserves. I had a successful business for three years before I had to close due to health problems. If I could have my dream job, I would go back to being a boudoir photographer.



Mellena from The Book Quarry dreams of…

My dream job would be to own my own indie book store and sell all my indie author’s books, host author signings and connect readers to my favorite authors one on one. This would just be another way for me to submerge myself in books and be able to do what I love. Read and share a good book.


Anyone else want a cupcake to go with their latest read now? Thanks to all our readers who participated. Let us know what your dream job would be.


And don’t forget to grab your copy of Romancing the Ranger to see if Reese ever realizes her dream job.

Reese Hudson meant to destroy mementos from her last failed relationship, not burn down an outhouse and incur the wrath of a sexy park ranger. When the judge rejects her offer to pay for the structure and sentences her to rebuild it—with the hot ranger supervising—she embraces the challenge to take control of her life.

Park ranger Wade Baker wants nothing to do with the rich city girl, no matter how tempting he finds her lush curves. She’s too much like his ex-fiancée, and if he’s learned anything, it’s that women like Reese don’t fit into his world. And he sure as hell wants no part of her big city life.

Reese may not know a hammer from a screwdriver, but she’s working hard to prove she’s not just some pampered princess to be toyed with. And damn it if Wade doesn’t admire her tenacious spirit. If only they got along half as well outside the bedroom as they do in it, there might be a chance for them after all…

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